Chap 20: Distractions.

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(Raine's proud of our little blonde boy. The artist's signature is on it and I can confirm, it is not mine.)

Y/n's Pov

The weirdest thing just happened today when I returned to school. Gus was going through puberty and I just figured that out thanks to Willow. He got a growth spurt and his voice changed too. I could barely recognise him. He's also taller than me! I can't believe it.

Edric and Emira keep flirting with me and they've tried so many times to convince me to add them on penstagram because somehow they found my account. My account is on private, so how the fuck did they find me? Besides that, Gus also taught me new illusion spells. I was able to make an illusion of myself and Gus by the end of the period.

Healing with Viney was normal as usual. Witches and demons got some scars and we'll fix them. However, Viney told me that some scars were permanent. If someone were hit by something with a powerful effect, their scar or scars won't heal. When she said that it got me wondering if I could heal Hunter's scars. 'I wonder why he doesn't ask someone from a healing coven to heal those scars. Wait, but he looks hot with those scars.' Then the profesor gave out more books to read about healing. Great more homework.

My bard classes were going smoothly. Skara often watched me play the violin and also complimented me on how great I was. Another part of the period I thought was cool was when Skara and I played together. There'd be a weird energy floating around us. It's not bad, it was calm and energetic in all one wave. As if our two instruments had become one. 

"I'm exhausted," I leaned against my locker complaining to Willow and Luz. "It can't be that bad," Willow smiled. Her smiles were so adorable and comforting. "Luz, how come you're not tired? You chose all of the covens!" I asked. "What can I say? I have my ways," Luz shrugged. Then Gus appeared from the hallway. "Guys! I didn't know puberty was this hard!" Gus panted. 

"You'll get used to it, buster," I gave him a towel noticing he was sweating. He wiped the towel all over his face and neck. Once he was finished, he gave it back to me. I just threw it in my locker, the locker happily ate it. "Hey guys!" Amity waved to us. We greeted her back. We chatted at the hallways for a while before an announcement came up. "Is this thing on? Oh it is? Ahem, Hello students of Hexside! I came here to announce that the following students Augustus, Willow, Y/n and Luz will be needed in the principal's office. That goes for you too Mittens. I suggest to head there now," A woman declared. "MOM?" Amity sounded shocked. "That was your mother? What's she doing here?" I was confused on how Amity's mom could just walk in and literally go on the speakers. She must be some superior woman.

Two people stood beside principal Bump. Presumably, Amity's parents. "Soooo, let me guess, your the asshole who told us to come in here?" I pointed to the green haired woman. She gave me a death stare before clearing her throat, "You five are in here today for an important decision." The woman nudged principal Bump, "Ah, yes. Y/n, Gus, Luz and Willow you are suspended." 

"Suspended?!" We shouted. "No, I think there should be a bigger punishment. You four are expelled!" The lady commanded. "Expelled?!" I can't believe what I was hearing.

"We didn't even do anything wrong!" Luz protested. "Really?" A man looked at a picture of the now broken detention pit. "It was Mattholomule!" Gus stated. "And it was a mistake!" Willow remarked. "Luz apologized for it! And so did Gus and maybe Mattholomule?" I told them. 

The woman nudged principal Bump again, he sighed, "The Blights have made their decision. What's done is done." I was beyond shocked. Then the detention creepy guys dragged us out, "Wait! No! Amity, stand up to them! Tell them we didn't do anything wrong!" Luz begged. Amity sat there in silence, she couldn't do anything. 

We were thrown outside of the school. "They can't keep us out forever," Luz was determined. She told us plans on how to sneak back in.

After we did those plans however, they all failed. Bump knew Luz's every move. "Damn it," I laid on the ground. "We could try this?" Luz was starting to run out of ideas. "He blocked the door realm," Gus stated. "We could try-" Luz began before getting cut off by Willow, "It's no use, Luz. We're expelled. Amity's parents told us that." 

"Who do those two think they are?" Luz responded. "They're the Blights. Makers of Blights Inc. They make cool inventions and get a lot of profit off of those. They're rich and highly resourceful," I explained. "They could make a secret army if they needed to!" Gus replied. Two flying crows flew above us. When I took a closer look, they were communicating crows. Voices came out from them. The voices of angry parents. They dragged Willow and Gus away, whereas Luz and I were standing there all awkward. 

"I think I should check up on my family to see if they got the news. They'll be proud to know I'm a disappointment," I told Luz sarcastically. I flew away on my palisman and entered my once cheery home to a desolate wasteland. It gave me shivers down my spine. 

My siblings sat together at the dining table. "Hi Ellory and Fynn. Where's mom and dad?" I asked them nervously. "Mom and Dad are out," Ellory took a sip of her coffee. 'Okay so they haven't heard. I'm safe.' I awkwardly crept upstairs to my room when Fynn appeared in front of me. I shrieked and fell landing back at the bottom of stairs. "My back," I winced. "Care to explain why you're expelled?" He looked at me. I let out a nervous chuckle. 'Oh shit, I'm screwed.'

Word count: 1021 words

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