Chap 11: Grom & Fears.

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(TOH characters as Danganronpa is actually a cool concept to think about. I do not make the art nor do I own it.)

Y/n's Pov:

School today was strange. There was a lot of chatter about today. 'Was something special happening?' "Hey, what's going on?" I nudged Gus on the shoulder. "Haven't you heard? It's Grom!" He responded. Oh, grom. I usually skip that as I didn't have anyone to hang around with but now I have friends here. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. 

Once we went to our lockers, we noticed Willow and Luz already there. "Gus! Y/n! Are we so happy to see you! Have you heard about grom?" Luz asked. "Yes, we know about grom," I stated. The speakers started a loud annoying noise. Everyone complained and finally it started to work again. "Tonight, is Grom everyone! Classes will end early today as people will need enough time to get ready. As I mention that, I will also mention this year's Grom Queen, who is... Amity Blight!" Principal Bump announced. 

Everyone cheered as Amity walked past. Luz congratulated her, but Amity wasn't too happy about it. "Wait, what's wrong with grom? Isn't she supposed to be happy she gets the crown?" Luz questioned. "It's not just that. Grom is short for Grometheous, a fear demon. One student every year has to defeat it from wrecking havoc," Willow explained. "If not, the demon will roam on the Boiling Isles terrorising anyone who runs into it," Gus continued. "Don't worry about it though, I'm sure Amity is strong enough to defeat it," I glared at Gus. 

Classes ended earlier as Bump had said. I went to a few stores to check out dresses or anything fancy. There wasn't much, but I had finally found a dress. My scroll started to vibrate in my handbag. I checked to see what it was and it was from Luz.

'Can you help me train for Grom?' - Luz

'Wait what? I thought Amity was doing it? What did you do?' - Y/n

'I may have volunteered to take Amity's place as Grom Queen..?' -Luz

'Luz, I love you, but you need to stop taking risks like these,' - Y/n

'I agree with Y/n, Luz.' - Willow

'Goodluck!' - Gus

'Guys, I'll be fine.' - Luz

'Alright, I'll be there to help.' - Y/n

'Yes! Oh and Amity says Hi!' - Luz

I stuffed the scroll back into my bag. Quince pounced down from my shoulder to transfrom into a staff. "Let's go!"

I arrived at the Owl House and noticed Luz out at the front with three people. Amity and two older kids, probably similar age to me. "Who's this cutie, Luz?" One of them said. "Ed, Em, this is Y/n L/n. She's come here to help me for grom," Luz introduced me. 'Why is she the one introducing me with new people? She must be very social.'

"Well, shall we start?" The duo created illusions of Luz's fears while I made sure the setting was misty and smoky, to create some foggy effect. Amity cheered for Luz. Then a large Edalyn the Owl Lady appeared from no where. Once that happened, the actual Owl Lady walked out of the house staring at her tall self. "Dang, do I look good," She admired. 

"Are you taking part in Grom?" I asked her. "Yeah, gotta watch my apprentice," She explained. The illusion of the Owl Lady disappeared. The mist wafted away to reveal a hopeless Luz. "Luz! Are you okay?" Amity rushed to her and sat beside her. "Yeah, I'm fine," Luz got up and stared at her mentor anxiously. The tension was quite awkward and I didn't want to be a disturbance so I just walked away. "Uh, I'll see guys tonight? Yeah, cool," I rushed away when the two people stopped me. 

"Aw, but we wanna get to know you first," The girl said. "Well, I'm Y/n L/n, wait didn't Luz say that already? Anyway, I really need to get going," I tried to push past them but they simply wouldn't budge. "We are the Blight twins, I'm sure you've heard of us. I'm Emira," Emira looked dazzling. "And I'm Edric," Edric did a dazzling pose. "It's nice talking to you both, but I really need to leave," These two were getting pretty annoying. "What's the rush, cutie?" Edric asked. I couldn't deal with this. My violin appeared and I strung a cord. They fell on the ground. "You guys simply don't understand when a person needs and wants to leave," I glared at the both of them. 

Never knew I could hate charismatic people. I continued my search for some additional things for my clothes for grom. As I did, I stumbled upon a cloaked figure. They noticed me tumbling onto them and prevented me from falling on the ground. Golden mask and a white cloak. "Long time no see, Goldie," I smirked. He pulled me back up. 

"It's nice to see you too, I guess," He responded. Our minds went blank. We didn't know what to say. "Well, did you receive my letter?" I finally answered. "Yeah I did," He muttered. I couldn't help but notice his demenor had changed since the last time we'd seen each other. "Is something wrong?" I perked my head to the side. "It's nothing." He responded. Hmm.

"What brings you here to Bonesborough? Are you shopping?" He pointed at my bags. "Yes, I am. It's Grom night at Hexside and I decided to go this year," I explained to him. "Would you like to come?" Goldie was silent for a minute. "I'm not busy tonight, so I guess I could," He decided. I jumped gleefully, "Yay! We get to hang out again! I'm so happy!" He let out a small laugh.

We chatted for a while and decided to head going. "Remember to get ready for tonight! I'll see you there!" I smiled and waved him goodbye. 


Goldie's Pov:

I waved Y/n goodbye. Once she left, nervous thoughts began coming in. 'Hunter what did you get yourself into? You have nothing to wear for tonight! She probably expects me to look my very best, but what will I wear?' I paniked for a while and then noticed something beside me. It was a clothing window that showed a black suit. 'That'll do.'




Word Count: 1047 words

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