Chap 31: Double Trouble.

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(I don't own this artwork. Credits are to someone on pinterest.)

Y/n Pov:

Staying home sulking after an emotional episode of A Witch's Saga, I was forced to get out of the house AGAIN. "Are you fucking serious right now? I didn't even say you were a coward yesterday!" I complained. 

"Language," Fynn ignored my other comment. I let out a frustrated groan and looked to my sister. She nodded in agreement with Fynn, "You need to get out once in a while." 'Is she calling me lazy?' There was no point in arguing, they could handle my stubborness with just the mention of 'chores'. 

I decided to bring along Quince for comfort reasons. We took a stop in the middle of Bonesborough. It was busy, as usual, and there was a beverage store nearby. "May I have the green apple blood, please," I asked. "Non-alcoholic, correct?" They answered. "Yep." 

"Coming right up." 

After that was settled, I walked around viewing some of the items that were being sold at some stalls. There was an interesting looking necklace with a capsule onto it. "I see your quite fond of this necklace, aren't you?" The owner came out of no where. 'Isn't kind of creepy how people could do that sometimes?' I shook that thought away. "Yea, it looks interesting," I responded. I continued to have a friendly chat with the owner, until someone had crept behind me and stole my pouch of snails. 

I reacted immediately grabbing their wrists. "Who do you think you are? Stealing isn't a good thing y'know?" I scolded. The person who had 'attempted' to steal from me was none other than Emira Blight. "Hey cutie∼ I knew that'd get your attention," She grinned. A scrunched piece of paper was thrown at her. "No, it wasn't your idea it was mine, silly," Edric came up to us.

"Well, I had the guts to do it. Your too much of coward to-" 

"Don't finish that sentence."

"Or what?"

I shoved them aside, "Ladies, Gentlemen, can we not fight in the middle of a market?" They angrily folded their arms and looked away from each other. 'Please, titan, don't let me have to deal with them the whole day.'

'Screw you titan.' I dealt with non-stop bickering from the twins. Their fights included: who was more pretty, who had the most admirers, who had the best taste, who was the best sibling, who was older and so on. "I was technically born eight minutes before you," Edric began. "And how do you know if that's true? Maybe, mom was lying to you," Emira responded. "She wouldn't!" Edric shouted. "Do you really not know our mother?" Emira face palmed. 

The only thing that made the twins agree on something was dessert. "Wait, aren't you lactose intolerant, Edric?" I asked him. "Aww, you took notice on that ♥" Edric swooned. "Quit being dramatic. How are you supposed to eat dessert when 90% of the items aren't lactose free?" I stated. He looked like he was going to answer but nothing came out. "Oh well, his loss," Emira shrugged and went to the counter. 

In the end, we were able to order something. I had chosen to have cookie's n cream biscuits, Emira chose a red velvet cake and Edric chose hazelnut donuts. It was like a mini tea party, tea was in fact included with our dessert. Though, the twins were tough to accompany, they knew when was the right time to settle down. 

I take back my words. After our peaceful tea party, it had eventually turned into a brawl. Can't believe it all started with giving out advice. Two people were snickering nearby about how bad the twins looked and called their sense of fashion 'outdated'. So in response, the twins gave out harsh but actual advice to the people. They got mad and now they're having a brawl. It had escalated when one of them brought a weapon. With the snap of my fingers, everything stopped. "What?" One of them muttered. "I think this'll be the end of this ruckus," I maintained a calm tone. "Is this some sort of trick?" The other tried to move but couldn't. "Leave us be and I'd suggest to hold your tongue when judging other people's attire next time."

The problem was solved and the twins couldn't stop blabbering to me about it. "That was cool," Edric commented. "It was as if you were asserting dominace," Emira pointed out. "Why would I be showing dominance?" I inquired.

"If you wanted someone to fear you, of course you'd resort in becoming the dominant one."

"For once, you actually made a good point, Em."

"What ever do you mean? I make good points all the time."

We had a few more chats until it was time to head back home. I was about to take my leave when Emira stopped me. "Come on, don't you want to do some fun for a bit?" Em insisted. "Yeah, we promise it's the last thing," Edric inclined. I let out a sigh, "Fine." They squealed slightly and hurriedly forced me on top of a building. There infront of me was a bucket with water balloons. "So, we were planning to-" "Throw that at citizens below?" I cut off Edric's explanation. "Yeah, great minds think alike," Emira proudly stated. "I think you guys have a lower iq than I do," I scoffed. "We aren't as stupid as you think, Y/n." Edric's demeanor changed subtly from what was carefree to stern. 'They may be stupid but obvious enough, they weren't dumb.' 

We waited patiently for a larger crowd below. And once that happened, we threw water ballons at them. Those citizens likely didn't know what'd hit them. "Pesky brats!" An old man yelled out. "You ruthless punks!" A woman fumed. "Fucking teens these days, don't know what respect is. Shame on you!" A man bellowed. The crowd continued to make insolent comments but we just shrugged it off as no big of a deal. It was a prank, what was the worse that could happen?

"Thanks, I guess, for that," I hesitated. "Anytime, cutie," Emira winked. Something like sparkles had bounced off of me. As if I was deflecting their flirty statements. Somehow, it surprised them that it had no effect. I waved them goodbye as I flew on my staff back home. 

Word Count: 1057 words.

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