Chap 36: Fights and Snow

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(Official art by Dana Terrace herself! I believe these are in the ending credits of season 3 episode 1? I like how all of them are scared, Luz and Camila calming them down and Vee in the back chilling. What do you think they're watching?)

Y/n's Pov:

Hunter lunged at Amity. "Hunter!" Why do I have to keep calling his name? He was about to strike against Amity before King rushed in front of her and let out a loud wave. A red cardinal flew forwards and transformed to a staff, protecting Hunter from harm. He grasped onto the staff smirking menacingly and dashed forwards with yellow particles. "Huh, staffs are weird," He muttered to himself. Amity caught him with her abomination goo. Hunter teleported trying to get the goo off of him and was successful. 

He then teleported to me before doing anything else. He grasped onto my waist, carrying me bridal style, and we both teleported outside of the cave. My guess, we're still on the knee just somewhere. "Huh? Why are we here?" I looked at him. He stared at me and sighed, then he slowly got close and closer until we were inches away from ki-. He did it. Oh my titans, he did it! He kissed me! His lips were surprisingly soft and warm. It felt like time froze. He moved back. No blushing, no embarrassment, just flawlessness. 'No fair! Why isn't he embarrassed? He must be so proud of himself that he finally did it. Not that I've been hoping for that to happen. Wait, does this mean we're a couple? Are we in a relationship now or do we have to still ask each other out?'  So many thoughts wavered in my mind. He carefully placed me down. "Don't go anywhere," He demanded. "I'm sat," I answered immediately. He soon left, probably continuing to fight Amity.


3rd Person Pov:

Hunter had returned fighting with Amity. Let's just say after he kissed y/n, electricity flowed through him. He felt very proud of himself and also felt unstoppable. He summoned bolts onto Amity. She reacted quickly, picking up King from the ground and getting on her palisman. The bolts were getting reflected by the titan's veins and there was no stopping them. They weren't going to die down so Amity had her abomination consume the attack. Hunter tried to grab the key when she was distracted but King jumped on him causing them both to fall back.

Hunter teleported to Amity striking her whenever he saw an opportunity. To hurt, cause her pain. Something that would weaken her. She blocked all of his attacks and punched him. He was slightly wounded. Amity summoned a giant abomination behind Hunter to capture him. He was trapped in a shield of goo. Its not like he's going to escape? Right?

Wrong. Hunter got out of it and caused the ground to rumble. A fist suddenly rose above knocking Amity to fall off her staff. Amity saved herself from the impact and Hunter teleported to her again. "If you want to help, then give me that key!" Hunter got his palisman to rip the necklace off. This caused the key to fall onto the ground, but Amity caught it before any further damage was made. Hunter had Amity cornered and she had a weapon to protect herself if he did anything else to her.

Hunter was panting, he had lost his stamina and energy. He was exhausted. "Listen, you're strong and I'm tired. If this continues you'll probably escape, but here's the thing we know where to find you and your human. So just hand over the key," Hunter threatened. At a time like this, Hunter would do anything to impress or try to get some praise from his uncle. After all, he would do anything for him. Actually, maybe not anything

"Fine, just stay away from Luz," Amity sighed and let go of the key. Hunter grabbed it. What Hunter didn't know was that, Amity had taken some titan blood from the key and it stained onto her glove. Smart move. "I appreciate it, I uh- mean that too," He flew out of the cave leaving Amity. 

King got his horns stuck the whole time and Eda had finally finished her fight with the captain of the coven guards.


Luz's Pov:

'I wonder if y/n has told them about the fools blood yet.' I got up and suddenly feel much greater than before. I noticed that mushrooms or mold grew on my head. 'Huh, is this permanent?' "I gotta find everyone!" I dashed out of the room running into Willow. Hooty caught the bowl of soup before it had made more mess. "Have the others returned?" I asked.

A loud ruckus was made and it was them. I jumped at Amity, embracing her in a hug. "I'm so glad that my awesome girlfriend is okay," I told her. "Me too," Amity returned the hug. "Hey! No king hug? What is this?" King scowled, jealous that I was hugging someone else. I quickly grabbed him and hugged him tightly. 

After giving lots of hugs, I realised y/n wasn't with them. "Where's y/n?" I asked. "Uh-" Amity began. "The golden guard took her." 

"Looks like someone finally made a move," I muttered but also half worried about y/n. 'What if he hurts her? He wouldn't do that, would he?'


Y/n's Pov: 

I had stayed still for almost an hour and was going to freeze to death soon, but I knew that if I left Hunter would be mad or sad. I don't really know how he'd react but he was acting different today, a lot more mad than usual. I didn't want to piss him off.

Sudden chirping was heard and I turned to see Hunter and the red cardinal. "My, you are a little rascal!" I patted the bird. "There's no getting rid of him, he stuck with me the whole time and I think he told me his name?" I swear I saw Hunter smile. "Aw, what's his name?" I continued patting the bird, Hunter's smile was more noticeable now. "Are you smiling? Oh, you are smiling!" I teased. 

Hunter shoved me softly and we both fell on the snow laughing. "I never want this day to be over," Hunter muttered. "Me too," I replied.




Word Count: 1047

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