Chap 15: Tiring Difficulties.

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(I present to you all, Golden Boy with the curse that Miss Eda has. The artist is a.blight_12. Their socials are on instagram and pinterest. I do not know if they have any more than that.)

Y/n's Pov:

We were left astonished at Luz's statement. Willow got up and went to Luz, "Luz, what are you doing?" "I'm just following Amity's advice," Luz replied. "I don't think she advised you to do this," I told her. "Boscha only speaks in grudgby terms. Trust me, I have a plan." Luz explained confidently. 

"Maybe it's the altitude of the second floor, but I thought I heard you say that leaf girl wanted to challenge me to a grudgby match." Boscha spun the grudgby ball. "That's right. We'll settle this once and for all on the field." Luz declared as everyone gathered to Boscha and behind her. "Or we could just talk about our issues," Willow tried to calm down everyone. "Let's do this," Boscha ignored Willow's statement. "Oh dear," I exclaimed. 

"If Willow's team wins, you don't get to pick on her anymore," Luz began. "Fine. And when we win, Willow and your team will be our water gofers." Boscha went on. "Ha! That's not even a punishment, I love water," Luz commented. "And we get to use you as target practise," Boscha threw the ball in the air and kicked it to a nearby tree. The ball had pierced through. I dared not to admit that was cool. Luz and Willow were shocked. "See you after school, losers," Boscha walked away with her group. Once she did, the tree where she had thrown the ball at started to light on fire. 'How the fuck did she do that?'

We walked back to the steps and sat there. "Luz, this isn't a good idea." Amity sounded worried. "Yeah and I've never played grudgby before. How am I supposed to beat Boscha?" Willow admitted. "But you're the better witch. I don't know much about sports, but I do know about sports movies. We too, are a ragtag team of lovable misfits joined together to defeat a powerful enemy. With a little team spirit and a training montage, we can win!" Luz proudly announce. 

"Hate to burst your bubble dear, but I don't think movies are going to help us that much," I commented. "Well, if Luz thinks this'll work, then I'm in," Willow said. "What about you Gus?"

"In seasons past, these flags have waved in support of grudgby greats. Now they will wave for the greatest. Me!" Gus waved the flags he pulled out of no where. 'Why isn't anyone pointing this out?' "What about you, Amity?" Luz asked. 

"Me? On a team with you? Running around in cute uniforms?" She chuckled nervously. "Sweating?" Her face burned red. "I gotta go." She ran away. "Huh, well I guess she's out. How about you replace her Y/n?" Luz turned to me. "Uh, no thanks. I think that spot is reserved for someone else. For now I will stick to the sidelines with Gus," I smugged. Luz shrugged, "Well then, let's get training!"

We arrived on the field and it was empty. I disliked the awkward tension. "Care to explain what grudgby is my dear friends?" Luz looked interested to know. Gus displayed an example of grudgby. A small person shooting at the other team's goal and then confetti cannons appeared. "Huh, that doesn't seem so challenging," Luz responded. 

Willow, Gus and I exchanged glances. Willow then made a leaf to demonstrate the complications on the grudgby field. The poor leaf was burned, spiked, iced and shredded. Luz was in a slight shock, "Right, Boiling Isles. Should have predicted this."

Luz then started her training 'montage', whatever that word is. She explained it to us and we suddenly had a tea party in animal pajamas. "Uh, what was that?" I was confused. "I totally get it now, wait, were we having a tea party in animal jammies?" Gus was also questioning what just happened. "What happens in the montage, stays in the montage. Now the real training shall begin," Luz declared. 

Luz threw a grudgby ball and an arm or a leg or something came out of the ground. We seperated but Gus got caught, I almost got burned and Willow was trying to avoid getting hurt. 

"Maybe I need a cup of water," Willow panted. "Yeah, but I think we need more than that, a rest maybe?" I suggested. We gathered ourselves together and came over to Luz. Gus collapsed, he was completely exhausted. "We aren't sporty, we're nerds," I muttered. I thought Luz would understand that, but Luz clearly didn't hear. 

"Now for the big finale, let's try the Thorn Vault." Without warning she planted a plant glyph and roots literally pushed us into the air. "I did not come to training for this!" I yelled. Willow acted quickly and we landed safely on a cushioning flower. Gus rolled off the petals onto the middle of the field. We rushed up to him.

"Gus, are you okay?" Willow lifted his back slowly. "I think something's broken," Gus replied and he checked his pockets. His flags had snapped. Gus gasped, "My flags! I never should've tried to play. You were always enough for me." Poor Gus. He was upset. I noticed Willow's pin, it was broken in half. I stared at my two friends, I wasn't sure what to do. 

"Come on, Gus. I have some floral tape in the greenhouse. We'll fix them." Willow told Gus. He nodded and they both walked away. They lost the things that made them confident. "Come on guys. Let's try the thorn vault one more time," Luz called. "We're tired, Luz. We need some rest," That was all Willow said to her. 

Luz saw I was still here. A glimpse of hope shone in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Luz. I- I don't want to make you upset. We're all trying. We're just not the witches you see in your films. They seem to do great at whatever they're doing, but in reality they probably get tired afterwards too," I did my best to word it out properly for her to understand, but I realised I had struck a nerve in Luz. She stood in silence. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Luz. I'm just saying-"

"Y/n, it's okay," Luz avoided looking at my eyes. Luz scooped up Willow's hair pin. I wanted to say something, but I knew I couldn't fix it. 

Word count: 1082 words.

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