Chap 26: Comfort.

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(Art isn't mine and I didn't create it)

Y/n's Pov:

I softly shook Hunter. "Ngh, what is it?" He mumbled. Hunter sat up and I grabbed his hands. His hands were bandaged and there were several scratches. There were also deep cuts. "Hunter, this could get infected! Are there anymore bandages and ointments?" He pointed to his drawer. I took out a roll of bandages, some tissues, ointment and a cup of water. 

I dabbed a cloth of wet water on the wounds. Hunter hissed, "Stop, I can handle this myself." 

"Quit being so tough, you need help," He kept on pulling his hand away and I tried to persuade him to stop moving. "Alright, done," I grabbed the bandages and turned to Hunter but he moved away. "Hunter! Let me wrap your hand!" I chased him as he ran away. I was getting tired of his stubbornness. I pounced at him. "Hey!" Hunter kept on trying to scramble away. I kept him pinned on floor. "Will you quit acting this way?" I looked at Hunter and he was quiet. 

His face suddenly went red. "Oh, what's this? Are you flustered?" I teased. "No!" Hunter pushed me off of him. I laughed, "Okay, calm down." He sat still and I used my healing magic to heal the wounds. "There, good as new," His hands were back to normal. 

"So tell me, why did you punch the mirror?" I asked him. Hunter fiddled with his hands. I moved next to him. "Hunter, why did you kidnap me and bring me here?" He wasn't responding. "Did something happen?" Still no response. 

Finally, Hunter sighed, "It's- Just, I. I don't know." I grabbed his hands. "Hunter, just explain it slowly," I reassured him. He let out a deep breath. "Ever since I snuck out, I had the feeling that my uncle knows about it. I had the feeling of being watched over by something. I've been getting nightmares and I couldn't face it so, I decided not to sleep," He explained. "Y/n? Are you okay?" He noticed my blank face.

I glanced up at him. "Hunter." "Yes?" He responded. "Go to sleep," I told him. "But-"

"No buts. You brought me here to comfort you, so I'm here now. So, sleep." After Hunter's complaining, he finally slept again. I carefully put his head on a pillow and left a note on one of his books. I gave a small kiss on the head and left quietly. Quince appeared from my pocket and we flew out of there.

I could have just walked out of palace by using illusion magic, but that's risky. Who knows who I'll run into. It could be the Emperor, some coven guards or a superior. 

As I landed on my porch, I was greeted by my worried parents and siblings. "Y/n! Your okay!" Mother hugged me. "Where were you?" Father asked. "We called your principal, your friends if they have seen, we called everyone we know!" Fynn stated. "We're glad that you're alright," They all hugged me tightly. 

"Y/n, where did you even go?" Father questioned me. "A friend of mine wanted to hang out with me. I didn't realise it was late already, I'm sorry," I answered. "We're glad that you're okay," Ellory hugged me. 

Once I finished eating dinner, I went upstairs to my room and laid on my bed. 'I hope Hunter's doing alright.'


Hunter's Pov:

'How long have I slept?' I stretched my arms out and looked for Y/n. She wasn't here. 'Did she leave my room? What happens if Belos kidnapped her?' I shook that thought. I searched the room to find no sight of Y/n. That's when I saw the edge of one of my books. A piece of paper slightly poked out. I opened it to see Y/n's small note.

- Hope you feel better, remember to sleep! 

        Y/n ♥




(This chapter is pretty short, I promise you that the next chapter will be longer. Thank you for reading and have a good day.)

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