The desired answer for Adam

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Adam is tossing and turning. As he begins to have a dream. There was nothing but darkness, but he does see something. Something keeps blinking. As the image in his head grew closer, and closer. While some sigil keeps blinking. He continue to toss and turn. Then finally he sees it. It was that very same symbol when he first saw that at ozzie's. And it screeched like an owl. 

Then he jolted up from his bed. He started to breath. After that, he gets off the bed. He starts to take a moment where he's at. It looked like a motel from the looks of it. Not good looking ether. He looks out the window, and sees that red sky. He sits back down on the bed. Giving himself a moment to think on what transpired. Adam tries to remember what happened. 

When he tries to remember, he sees some images. A fight between him and nergal. Jimmy getting hurt badly. And the last image he sees. Is that same sigil again. Adam stops himself from remembering that. He puts his hand on his head. Like as if he felt that when the image of that sigil popped up from his brain. 

"No, no. I don't want to remember that. I don't want to remember everything at all." Adam said. "You poor child. I see you finally risen up from your slumber." Adam gasped. He turned to see stella. The source of the voice he remembers too well. Stella comes right in to the room. 

Adam of course isn't too happy to see her. "All right, out with it. What do you want now?" Adam demanded. "It isn't about what I want dear boy, oh no. Its about you now." Stella said. "That doesn't answer my question." Adam said. "If you must know, stolas has taken you to our home. Well, his home. But before leaving him, I had to retrieve you. I would dare say by choice, but it was only an order I had to follow." Stella said. 

"Uh huh. And who's orders was that?" Adam asked. "The king of the Ars Goetia. Paimon. He wanted me to deliver a letter to him. Given to me by his imp butler." Stella said. "What did it say? What was so urgent about it anyway? Stella gives him an obvious look to have him guess. But it seems adam may know the obvious answer. Its about me and what happened isn't it?" Adam assumes. "Ah, you catch on quick. I think you may had know better after everything you endured." Stella said. "No duh." "Everything is always about me. Because of him." Adam said. 

Stella knows who he is referring to. "You mean nergal? The man that ruined your life? I know. But back at ozzie's. It seems the secret is now out for him. But no matter. Time to discuss urgent matters. But paimon wanted to tell you: That only you can make a choice. So he has given you two options. You can go to that other hotel, and go home with the others." Stella was about to tell adam the second option. But adam just stands up, and walks past her. 

Since he thought it was an easy choice to make. "Sorry if I was rude. But I do not have time for this bull. I rather just go, and get out." Adam said. "If you just listen for one last time. I think this second one may catch your attention." Stella said. "I don't care what that is. Whatever is the offer you have. Or what he has. I want none anything to do with this. I had enough of this, and I wanna leave and just forget everything." Adam said. 

"I know you do. Believe me I desire the same thing. And what about you? What is it that you desire the most truly?" Stella asked. Adam pauses for a moment. He thinks about something on what he wanted the most. But he shrugs it off, not wanting to waste time. "None from you, or anyone here. You can keep the money, your reputation, or whatever you cared the most. But You have nothing I wanted the most." Adam is about to leave by putting his hand on a doorknob. 

"Your right, we don't. None of this can ever make you happy. Its only a question. But I advise you to lend an ear. Just for a moment." Stella said. "Oh yeah? Give me one reason why I shouldn't leave? Just one." Adam said. "Because I have the answers you desire the most. "Don't you really wanna know what happened to your actual parents?" Stella asked him. 

Adam instantly let's go of that doorknob after hearing what stella said. He turns around, and faced her. "You know about my actual parents? What do you know about me or my actual parents? That I never even meet?" Adam said. 

Stella gestures him to sit on his bed. While she sits down on the chair. "Would you like to find out? This, is the second option paimon has offered you. You can stay, and listen. Listen as I tell you about your parents."  Adam goes back to the bed, and he sits down. 

"Ok. I suppose you convinced me. Ill give you that. Now talk. Who are they, and what happened to them?" Adam asked. "Know this. Once you know the full story, there's no turning back now. Because the tale about your parents, is not very pretty. The truth is adam. Your life was rigged from the start." Stella said. 

Adam wonders in confusion about what she said. From the looks of it, little does he know it doesn't sound pretty good.     


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