Chapter 6

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"Sir" the women slowly peeked through the door, staring at the three new dogs sitting there. One of them with their tongue hanging out and wagging their tail like there's no tomorrow but the other two stared right back at her, stiff as can be. "Go into the room" I demanded, watching as all three got up simultaneously and walked into their room on the first floor. It was an empty room that Kain used to read a lot. I guessed that much since the scenery in it was also breathtaking but not a couch, table, and lamp was in it. Now all there is is dog stuff. Three big beds, six dog bowls, toys, and their snacks on a bookshelf. Everything they needed.

"So the guard was right when he said you brought more pets" the maid stepped in once I had closed the door to their room, allowing her to relax. "Yes, but I'm going to have them get used to you. Since I don't want them to mistake you for an intruder. So come by more often" I smiled, watching as the maid flinched then took a step back before dashing into the kitchen to do her job. I sigh, truly, it's way too hard to fix Kains reputation after everything he's done. Actually, why the hell didn't his dad do something about it? Seriously...

But, today isn't a day I can worry about Kains reputation with the people around him. The thing I have to worry most about is visiting Shinwha. After yesterday, it's clear I have yet to control the power Hyung had given me after Jisuk scared the living daylights out of me. I almost revealed it. "Stressful" I say, walking up the stairs and entering the room, putting on the regular clothes I bought last night. A gray zip up jacket, sweatpants in case I need to run and running shoes. "I was going to bring Kemono today but he attacked Jisuk. It's better to leave him home" I thought to myself and ran downstairs, grabbing Kains phone and earphones. "I'm going out for a run! Just leave the kittens and pups in their rooms. Cya" I told the maid, shutting the door behind me as I made my way to the elevator.

"Sir!? Where are you headed so early in the morning!?" The guard ran to me, asking as if it's unusual for Kain to be up this early on a non school day. "I'm going for a run. I'll come back before fathers car comes to pick me up" with that, I ran out before they could speak anymore. In my life as Sehyun, I used to run all the time. When I was stressed, I'd run. Sad? Run. Happy? Run. I always ran, and in this life I'll do the same. I have to accept I'm Kain now and not Sehyun. Although Sehyun will always be a part of me. But as usual, I had to put on my hood so Kains red hair didn't cause too much attention.

My thoughts raced in my head as each step seemed to get faster and faster. Kains father. Kain being forced to awaken. How Hyung awakened me. Jiwoo. Jisuk. Wooin. Subin. Kayden. Kurtain. Shinwha. The union. Awakened academy and the world awakened academy. The entire story of Eleceed raced in my head. So much to think about when Kain was never awakened to begin with but now that I've taken over his body, he has become awakened. Then there's the force control Hyung taught me.

Force control, a way to efficiently and effectively control awakened abilities. Something to grow their power. Usually, force control isn't given to those who aren't a part of an organization and feeling how hyungs force control is a lot like Kayden Breaks and Hyungs power was electricity, I can assume I'll also have an electric attribute. But, what exactly is my original power? That's my question. Some are born with strength, speed, and other things. Telekinesis even. Although I'll use Hyungs force control, I also need to figure out my original abilities in order to become powerful enough to protect myself. Maybe, since it's Kains body, perhaps he has his fathers abilities. It's a long stretch but it could be true.

I have no idea how long I ran when I finally started to feel out of breath. I panted, holding myself up with my knees and checked my surroundings. It's familiar. Then it clicked. Jiwoos neighborhood. I slipped off my hood, running a hand through Kains red hair and taking off the rubber back that held his small pony tail. Shaking my head to cool down my flushed face. "I ran way too far. I'll be late if I don't run back" I sighed, putting his hair back up into a little pony tail before pausing once I had turned around. "Whoa-" at first, a fat orange cat slowly walked across my path when it seemed to glare at me for staring. It reminded me of Mr.Kayden. Maybe it was him.

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