Chapter 42

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As soon as I stepped foot into the apartment with Elise ahead, I took a deep breath, seeing the two pups and two kittens all jump off the couch. Kemono, the eldest of the three immediately ran over to Keum and Raon. All three dogs sniffing each other than going straight into playful hops and chases. Running all around the apartment as if they played tag. I blinked, it's the first time iv'e seen the oh-so-serious Kemono being a pup. As for the kittens, they both ran to my aid first. "Meowww~" "Meeww" they both cried out, rubbing their bodies against my legs. Bending down and picking up both of them, I looked over to the kitchen where Elise started tying on an apron and her hair. Getting ingredients out of the fridge, hardly minding the dogs running past her or barking. "Looks like you got used to them. When I left, you were so scared of them" I mentioned, walking over to the counter and sitting down on a stool. "It's because of Suho. He kept putting me in awkward positions like feeding them or bathing them. I'm still jumpy around Keum but I'm overall okay with the two now" She admitted, pouring some oil into a pan, rotating it so the oil coated the entire thing. Setting it down on the stove after setting the flames to her desired tempurature. Next, she swiftly took out a knife, opening a pack of chicken. Cutting it into strips.

I set down the kittens. Standing up and walking over to the pantry, pulling out an apron for myself. "Sir?" She stopped her actions, looking right at me quite shocked. Pausing, I opened my mouth to speak only to exhale. I got up to help out of habit. As Sehyun, I usually helped mom cook whenever I can, almost everyday. Sometimes I'd cook for the family when she was sick or too tired. So..."Sorry. I just thought maybe I or learn? I'm going to live on my own soon so..." I explained, using the fact I'm moving out as an excuse. This only made Elise flinch, clenching the knife in her hand. In turn, I couldn't help but feel scared when her confused gaze shifted to silent anger. "Fine" She mumbled, stabbing her blade into the cutting board as I jumped hearing the loud THUD when she did. Even the happy pups all came to a halt, staring at us in the kitchen. "Here, start cutting these up and this. Add this much water into this stock pot. Once it starts boiling, be sure to add the fettuccine in" She handed me a knife, cutting board, some basil leaves and a few other ingredients before placing the pot onto the stove again, showing me just how much water I'm suppose to pour inside then the package of noodles set beside it. If I was an inexperienced cook, like Kain who seems to have never done anything for himself, then I would've been overwhelmed.

But as Sehyun who was raised by a mother who never skipped cooking a meal for her two sons, this was rather on the calmer side. The holidays were the worst since me and my brother were skedaddling everywhere in stores and the kitchen with our mom simply yelling out instructions like a rapper. Inviting moms family and her friends over. To say the least, I got this. Almost immediately I first filled the pot with water and added a bit of salt to help it boil faster as I started chopping up the rest of the stuff at an average pace. Taking my time since there's really no rush. Once the water boiled I expertly slid the hard fettuccine in, no making a single splash. Once I finished, I turned to ask Elise what else I could do just to see her standing there, stunned. Behind her stood Suho and Izen. I guessed they came in not too long ago. But their lack of awareness threw me off. Were they so shocked I can follow instructions well?

Well, after meeting Kain a couple of times, I would be shocked too if I'm being honest. "Is there something the matter?" I asked, stirring the noddles in the pot so it wouldn't cook together. " It's just shocking to see you look so familiar within the kitchen" Izen was the first to speak up, clearing his throat. "Familiar? He looks like he's been cooking for years. There's no way those knifing skills are from a novice" Suho added in. "Oh...' My eyes widened watching Elise bite her lip as her eyes glossed over with tears. "Huh??" Now I felt really confused. Did I do something to hurt her feelings? " can cook as long have you been able to?" She asked, passing me as she placed a few more items into the pan and stirred it, making sure the chicken was cooking thoroughly.

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