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—new friends

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The next day also passed without any interesting incidents, well, except for the point when there was another meeting between Pablo and her.
Nothing spectacular, but at least he had noticed her at the brief greeting at all the first time. It was a clear increase, but much more was not to be expected.

It was the last time she saw him before he left for America with the rest of the players — which meant that Pedri would also be gone for a few days.

Not knowing what to do with her life, she called Ainoa on Wednesday afternoon. Hoping she could put her out of her misery and lure her out of the house.

In fact, the blonde haired girl had planned to go out for some food and was going to ask either way if she would keep them company.
She could use some distraction more than enough, so she agreed without thinking twice.

»»----- ✦ -----««

"You look amazing."

With these words, Ainoa greeted her as soon as Cayetana dropped down next to her on the passenger seat. After an equally brief inspection, she returned the same compliment.

Ainoa always looked stunning, there was no question about that, but today she seemed to have dressed up again. The make-up, which was usually rather discreet, was particularly striking on this day, but matched the risky top that she wore.

"Who do you want to impress?" the brunette asked as soon as she had fastened her seat belt.

"No one. Trust me. There are only good friends, but you never know who else you might run into." She replied with a wink before starting the engine to pass the gate and turn onto the road.

"So," Cayetana began shifting uneasily in her seat. "Who are these friends we have an appointment with. I don't want to sound like a buzzkill, but you know I hate meeting new people."

She wasn't really an introvert, but the fear that as soon as someone knew her last name and knew about her life, they could take advantage of her, had been haunting her for a while now.

Her friend, who was focused on Barcelona's after-work traffic, merely waved a hand away.

"Trust me, they know who I'm working with and yet they've never taken a chance to create advantages for themselves from their friendship with me — " she paused briefly to gesture wisely to the pedestrians that she didn't have all day. " — and that although they are total football freaks. Like almost everyone here in Barça."

"If you say so," she said as soon as they passed the pedestrians who were looking after the car.
None of them seemed particularly pleased by Ainoa's unfriendly gesture.

One older man even had the courage to flip them the bird.
Grinning, she waved at him through the side mirror until he disappeared from her field of vision.

With her beloved sunglasses back on her nose, she hooked her arm with Ainoa's before the two of them strode together to the entrance of the restaurant.

The place was, as the saying went, small but nice and, most importantly, well staffed.

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