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—never have i ever

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The streetlights of Barcelona passed the tinted windows. The streets were unusually empty, although it was during the week, but if it were not January and relatively cold, the alleys would be full of people despite the already fallen night.

Cayetana averted her gaze from the moving landscape to turn to the two girls sitting with her in the back seat.

"What are you going to do with me? Where are we going? And even if you don't answer me, I still think it's a stupid idea," she said still not having a clue why she was dragged away from her desk and into Diego's car after sunset.

"You feel like shit, and we as your best friends are committed to standing by you and cheering you up. So stop grumbling and be glad we saved you from your school material," Ainoa, who was sitting in the middle, replied snappishly.

In fact, she was glad she didn't have to spend the evening with the countless pages of math problems, yet she would probably regret it, she had let herself be forced. After all, the upcoming math exam was already next week.

It had been about 48 hours since she had last seen Pablo and those few hours were almost worse than the moment he had just thrown her away like a piece of trash.

She still hadn't heard anything, nor did she dare ask Pedri or anyone else about his condition. He was alive — that was quite enough for her for the moment.

She somehow fought her way through the university hours, her concentration suffering incredibly from the events that had passed, yet she hadn't missed a single lecture today.
At least it was a little progress.

The five friends left the city behind them, whereby gradually the light disappeared and they were soon illuminated only by the stars and the moon.

Until Diego parked the car, no one explained to Cayetana exactly what they were up to, leaving her the only one in the dark. What went against her tremendously.

Which person liked to be the only one not to know what was planned?

"What are we doing on the beach? It's winter, guys," she finally asked while getting out of the car and letting the fresh breeze bring the beloved scent of salt water to her nose.

"Just you wait and see," Diego said, opening the trunk. In the glow of the headlights, she recognized the mischievous grin on his lips. So she gave up trying to contradict him and waited to see what kind of idea they were going to surprise her with.

It was a good idea to wait, because not half an hour later they were sitting on several picnic blankets, wrapped in layers of more blankets around a crackling campfire, passing around various bags of snacks.

From the jukebox in their midst boomed the soft lines of AMANECÍ SIN TI, but they were barely audible from the laughter that kept ringing out.

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