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—the first step

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Knock Knock Knock

What the hell?

Who dared to wake her up even though she was off work and especially before the sun even had risen?

Still half asleep, she turned on her other side to turn her back to the thumping noise.

The bedspread moved before footsteps sounded.

She was still in this phase of sleep in which she perceived sounds, but her body did not really obey her yet.

The knocking stopped immediately when the door was opened.

"You're here? How are you? That looked painful? How long are you going to be out? Can you still go to Qatar? And who's that in your bed?"

So many questions.
The strange woman's voice sounded concerned.

Pablo dared a glance over his shoulder, where he could make out Cayetana almost completely enclosed by the bedspread.

When he was sure she was still asleep, he shooed the girl backwards so he could close the door so that cayetana could continue sleeping.

The next time she woke up it was still dark in the room. Slowly she began to realize where she was and the last few hours passed before her eyes.

The room to the bathroom opened and Pablo entered the dark room. He was already wearing new clothes again, which meant that he must have been awake for quite a while longer.

"Good morning," he greeted her as she slowly sat up and leaned against the headboard of the bed.

"Morning," she gave in a hushed voice. Automatically, she raised her hands to rub her eyes.
When she removed them again, her gaze followed the football player walking around the room.

"Have you been up long?"

Pablo, who was in the process of picking up the soccer shorts from the floor, stopped jerkily in his movement and sucked in a sharp breath.

Alarmed, she yanked the covers off her legs to get up from the bed.
"Are you all right?" she asked again when he had straightened up.

Wincing, he raised his healthy arm to keep her from approaching him more.
"I'm all right."

Briefly, she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. It was behavior she was beginning to know from him.

"Have you taken the painkillers yet, and didn't you get an arm sling to wear?"

She raised an eyebrow while waiting for his answer, for which he took enough time.

"I figured it would be fine that way," he finally grumbled, dropping his shoulders.

"Damn it Pablo. I know you don't like the sparing, but if you don't give yourself some rest now, it's clearly not going to heal any faster. You're not going to lose all your talent because of these few weeks."

Now she had stood up after all and took a few steps towards him. The frustration was clearly written on his face.

Before he replied, he pressed his lips together. As usual, his jaw muscle twitched.

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