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—an afternoon full of testosterone

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Jesus Christ.

This could not be true.

Again a laugh left her throat, although this time she didn't feel like laughing at all.

"You don't mean Pab— " she began her sentence, her gaze moving briskly over his features as if she were trying to get confirmation that it really had been the name Pablo.

She didn't have to finish her sentence, because the brown-haired man next to her nodded before she had even finished saying the name.


Her eyes wandered to the abyss that opened up beneath them. Would she survive a crash? — Hopefully not.

Although she could hardly remember the night in question, she still trusted his stories, because they clearly did not seem so incredulous to her at that moment.

Diego, who must have noticed her sideways glance, put his hand on hers.

"Don't you dare jump. Trust me when I tell you that I don't blame you. Every girl I know who knows anything about football has a crush on Gavi. Only with you it's a little different, because you really know each other".

Slowly, some life returned to Cayetana, who was probably paler than a ghost, except for her fiery cheeks.

Still she could not believe what she had heard. It was true that this name was anchored in her mind and hardly anything else haunted it as much as it did, yet she just didn't want to realize it.

She couldn't stand him.
Was she really so obsessed with trying not to like him that it must have happened for that reason?

"Then that's about the reason you stopped?"

"What, no, absolutely not. As I have said before I am not a person who sleeps with a drunk girl who is incapable of judgement," he instantly placated her.

"Whereas I have to admit that it was a massive turn-off, yes."

She chuckled at his words, but still felt the burning heat on her cheeks flushed with shame.

"I'm so sorry...but right now you have to trust me for once and no matter what you heard, that doesn't mean anything. I promise. He's just my brother's best friend and a real asshole to boot. You can trust me on that".

She tried to talk her way out of this awkward situation because she herself didn't know what all this meant to her. Her unattributable feelings could blame her for getting to know better a boy who, unlike Pablo, at least had character.

"I'm not so sure about that, but don't put any pressure on yourself. I don't know what my chances are against this heartthrob, but I'm almost sure enough to know that they wouldn't be zero."

Slowly Caye slid a little closer to him, leaning against his body. Immediately the scent of his aftershave rose to her nose again.
"I really don't know how I deserve your understanding anymore, but I appreciate it very much".

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