Chapter 10

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Alison's POV (probably didn't expect that)

I went to my sift seeing (y/n) head home. She seemed excited about something but I didn't question it. I just head to my post and to keep watch.

After a few hours of standing around with nothing interesting happening I just looked up at the clouds. I really love it up there, feeling wind in your face as you fly by. Oh, you probably wandering what I'm talking about right? (don't break the forth wall). Well I'm a hybrid. What type you may ask? (stop breaking the wall!). I'm a phoenix hybrid. The second fastest flying hybrid in the world.

As I gaze up at the clouds I see something in the distance. It is going really fast but I just can't see what it is. Soon the object is just about above the base. "Hey , look at this." I say nudging Jameson and pointing at the figure. First let me give you a description of him. (The fourth wall is cracking)

He has white hair and crimson red eyes. He wears a black shirt and jeans with his purple sneakers. He wears a purple jacket over his shirt though not when on duty where we have to wear our chestplate and helmet. He is very protective over friends and family, nice and is easily jealous. We call him Jamie for short.

He looks up from where he is standing and looks at the object. "What is that?" He asks still looking at it.

"I don't know. Hey look there's another one." I say looking at the object flying towards the other a slower then the first one. If I look close enough I see that the objects have some sort of wings. Then I realise hat they aren't objects, they are figures. Humans. No they are hybrids.

"If you look closely you can see that they are hybrids." I say to Jameson. He looks shocked at them as they stay in the air not really doing anything right above us.
"Yeah. I'm going to try and shoot one of them." Jameson says getting out his bow, notching an arrow in aiming carefully.

He lets the arrow go. We watch as the arrow flies up towards the two hybrids but misses and goes right in the middle of them. I watch as they fly above the clouds out of sight. "Well then. That was interesting to see." I say wandering what type of flying hybrids those were. The first one seemed really fast.
"Yeah, to bad I didn't hit one." He said disappointed.
"Better luck next time bud."

"Better luck with what?" I hear a voice say from behind us. We look around and see our boss standing there. He was leaning against a pole looking at us. "And Jameson, why were you shooting your arrows in the air like that? It's a waste."

"We saw two flying hybrids just below the clouds and Jameson thought he could shoot one down sir." I say truthfully.

"Really, two hybrids both flying together?" He said obviously shocked.
"Yes sir though we don't know what exactly they were doing." Jameson says joining in the conversation.
"Save the information guys. I'm going to get it so you can speak to someone about this. Meet me here tonight after your shift."

Before we could ask questions he walked away. I looked back in the sky from where those two hybrids first were spotted to see them fly over the clouds to where they came from. I sigh as I watch them disappear from view before getting back on track with my job.

Your POV (next day)

I wake up to see Enderlox laying next to me his wing over us to keep us warm. I try to get up but I'm stopped when I feel two strong arms around my waist. I sigh and decide to nudge him awake. I poke him on the shoulder a few times trying to get him off me but he just hugs me closer. I giggle at how he's acting.

"Endy, wake up please." I whisper hoping he hears me. Obviously not. I repeat it louder in his ear. "Endy, wake up please." His eyes snap open and he pulls his big wing off us. I blush a deep red when I realise he is shirtless.

"Like what you see?" He says smirking.
"Maybe." I mutter under my breath. "Uh, can I get out of bed now?" I say looking at him. He looks so confused at this and tilts his head if it's possible while laying on your side.

"Your gripping my waist like I'm a teddy bear and your a child." I say teasing him. With the sudden realisation he let's go and apologises. I get out of bed, get some clean clothes and head to the bathroom to shower. After the shower I get dressed, brush my hair and head out. I step out if the bathroom to see he isn't in the bedroom but I can smell something cooking.

I go into the kitchen to see Enderlox still with his shirt off cooking breakfast. I hug him from behind, him wrapping his wing around me as he continues to cook. "Morning." I say leaning on his shoulder.

"Morning sweetie." He replies giving me a kiss on the lips which I melt into. We pull away and he continues to cook the delicious smelling breakfast.

When breakfast is done he evenly puts the pancakes on two plates topped with syrup and actual butter. We dig into the meal and soon they are gone. "That was delicious Ty. I love you." I say licking sweetness of the syrup off my lips.
"Thanks. I love you too."

We got all cleared up and we decided to watch TV. It's funny to watch as Enderlox tries to figure out how to use the remote after two years. Eventually he figures it out and turns on the TV. The first show that comes on is the news so I decide to watch it since it took him five minutes to turn on the TV. There are things about robberies and the normal things that could happen in the news. Then an interview comes on. The first things I recognise are the people and where it is.

The people are Alison, her work mate Jameson and our boss. They are standing in the middle of the army base only lit by the torches around. Obviously pre recorded I think to myself as I watch with Enderlox. The person behind the camera, obviously the person interviewing them starts. "Yesterday your boss Keith said that you saw two hybrids. Is this true?"

Alison starts. "Yes we did. Jameson and I did see two hybrids yesterday while on watch."
"Did you see what they looked like?" The interviewer asked them.
"No we didn't, they were too far up for us to see them. Though we could see that they were flying just below cloud level." Jameson says answering the question.
"One of them seemed to be going really fast while the other was slower. Then they just stopped right above the base. Jameson tried shooting at them but missed and they hid."

After that answer I just turned off the TV. "We were spotted and now everyone knows there are two hybrids on the loose." I say annoyed with myself standing up.
"But on the bright side they don't know it was us. Just think of that." He says trying to calm me standing up next to me.
"Yeah, I just don't want you to get hurt." I say almost crying.
"I don't want you hurt either. I will protect you with my life if someone starts to hurt you. Just remember we are together."

I smile and hug him burrowing my head into his shoulder. As I was about it say something we heard a knock on the door. We looked at each other frightened not knowing what to do.

OMG, who is at the door? Will the person find out about Enderlox? Or will Enderlox escape? Why am I asking these types of questions AGAIN? Who knows th...

You: Uh hi there author-chan

Me: What- how did you get here?

You: I'm basically the main character so I'm here

Me: Right... Well then as I was saying...

Enderlox: You all right (y/n)?

Me: What's going on? How did you get here?

Enderlox: I was protecting (y/n)...

Me: Ok, before I was interrupted again I was saying... *knock on the door*

Enderlox: *hides behind couch*

Me: You know what I'm just going to end it here. So vote, comment, follow
me to join the flock today and keep on chirpin my birds.

You: *waves* Byee :D

Me: *sighs* *walks into private room* Well that was interesting. So the winner of the contest is friendlyrosy1213 ,congratulations. If you liked what happened in that outro thing tell me and I might do more but not always. Byee :D

Predator: Enderlox x Reader (Wattys 2015) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now