Chapter 37

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Your POV

We are now walking through the forest laughing with each other. I can't believe Alison did what she just did. When we were leaving Sky Army we walked out, but she hid and then transformed. She was flying over the base giving everyone a fright, even Sky and Seto. Seto tried to capture her but failed since she's so fast. It was something to watch thoughi had to keep a straight face.

Now we are joking about the looks on everyone's faces. "Did you see Sky, he looked so freaked out." I joked laughing like crazy.
"Yeah his face *laugh* looked so alarmed. And Seto *laugh* h-he looked so desperate to catch me." She said between laughs.

We heard rustling in the trees above, I looked up and saw Enderlox looking at us. "Oh hey Endy, didn't see you there." I said calming down from laughing as he jumped down.
"What's so funny?" He asked giving me a kiss.
Alison smiled. "Well after we left, I decided to transform and give the army a fright. It sure was funny seeing the looks on Sky and Seto's faces." Alison explained with a giggle. Enderlox nodded with a chuckle.

"Must of been."

We began making our way back home through the forest, I held Enderlox's hand while Alison walked on the other side of me. "So how'd it go? You know, the meeting?" He asked.
"It went well, wrote down some notes about their plan. It's not very complicated, yet not easy to figure out." I commented.
"Ok, interesting. Normally it's pretty easy to figure out. He must be trying really hard this time." He explained, putting emphasizes around 'trying' .

Just at that moment it began snowing. I smiled and squeezed Enderlox's hand. He smiled down at me squeezing my hand. The rest of the way home was silent as we walked through the snow together. I nearly forgot about the bag I was carrying until I got home.

"Hey guys." I called out as we entered the house.
"Oh hey, how'd it go?"
"Went well, they thought we were helping them out." I replied and sat on the couch putting the bag next to me.
"Hey (y/n), what's in that bag you've got? I don't remember you taking something that with you." Enderlox commented sitting next to me.

I looked down at the neon green and purple bag. "Oh, well I thought that you may need some new shirts so I went into your room in Sky Army and got you a bunch. I hope they still fit you." I opened he bag pulling out some of his shirts.
"Wow, did Sky notice?" He asked grabbing one examining it.
"Nah, I just said I had forgotten something from last time and he let me go up to your room. Took one of your bags to hold them." I looked into the bag seeing the other thing I took from his room. I put the bag on the floor, reached in and pulled out his sword. I had managed to also sneak it out.

Enderlox freaked out when he saw the sword, not in a happy way either. "Why'd you take that?"
"I thought you'd may like it. You know, for hunting and stuff. D-don't you want it." I asked with a frown.
"I-I just, that's the sword that Sky gave me, I recognize it anywhere." Oh, I guess I shouldn't of taken it then.

I put the sword down and just sat back in the couch. I messed up, I did something that Enderlox didn't like. "Hey sweetie, it's ok. I just don't know how I could use it now. I have my claws and my other features to protect me." He says resting his head on my shoulder.
"T-then what will we use it for? I have mine and you don't need yours." I ask but he places his hand on my belly.
"Maybe the baby might want it." I nod and smile. "When they are older of course."

"So... Sorry to interrupt but shouldn't we get on with planning for the war?" Daniel asked making me jump in surprise. I nearly forgot they were there.
"Yeah I guess we should."

I decided to go rest from the exhaustion and leave them with the notes so I took the bag, shirts, sword and headed upstairs. I could hear them talking downstairs but I ignored them. When I reached our room I plopped the bag down on the bed.

I took out the sword and examined it. It had a gold blade that needed polishing and sharpening, the handle had pure obsidian with a rounded off emerald and a few amethysts embedded into it. Maybe not for our child, but I could use this one sometime.

I grabbed the spare sword sheath I have and put it in, leaning it against the wall for now. I folded the clothes putting them all in the drawer. Once I had done that I decided to freshen up with a shower.

Enderlox's POV

(Y/n) went upstairs and left us with her notes. I was shocked that she had gotten my sword from Sky Army, but I felt sorry for the fact she did something then thought that I didn't appreciate it. I do but I just have no use for it. And it's the sword Sky gave me. Sky!

"So here's the notes that she took." I said flipping open the notebook but instead of seeing the notes I saw a drawing, of me. It was very detailed. I had a smile, my wings were tucked up but still visible. It looks like I'm waving and my hair is blowing in a breeze.

I continued to flip through seeing meany drawings if me, her, some other notes before I came to a page titled War Notes. "Here they are." I announced sitting on the couch next to Daniel.
"What do they say?" Moss asks moving her tail to the side.

My eyes scan over the notes scribbled down neatly on the page, going down in a list.

Water cannons to harm Enderlox
Recruits from Dead army -wearing green headbands (they're still confused)
Healing bays
Food supplies

There's some other things about Seto using his magic or something about the ended an but those aren't important. "Ok the first thing listed here is that they are going to try and use water cannons to try and probably weaken me." I say.
"Oh right, that's because you're an Ender Dragon hybrid and water harms you." Moss comments.

I shook my head. "Nope, water for me doesn't harm me. They think I'm an Ender Dragon hybrid, but for people with the ender curse aren't harmed by water." I reply. There faces show realisation hearing that.
"So the water cannons that they are going to get won't harm you, will they?" Alison says and I nod.
"They'll just refresh me, because wars are exhausting and the water will help me."

"What next?" I scan the page again, looking at the list.
"So the recruits from Dead Army, I told Sky to make sure that they wear bright green headbands so I know who's who, because I don't want to kill any more of them. They are having healing bays, food supplies, blah blah blah." I say.

Alison moves her wings slightly leaning back into the couch. Moss leans forward probably interested and Daniel gets up, heading to the kitchen. "Is that all that she wrote?" Moss asked, I nodded.
"She didn't write much, most are things that most wars would have." I say.

Just then (y/n) came back down with slightly wet hair, one of her favourite maternity shirts and pants. She walked over and sat next to me, closing her eyes leaning her head on my lap. "Hey sweetie, how are you?" I asked feeling her yet hair.
"Tired, cramped, hungry." She simply replied.
"It's the pregnancy isn't it?" Alison said joining the conversation.
"Yeah, that and going to Sky Army and back." I chuckle.

"Hey don't forget about me. I had to go back and forth from there, sometimes on foot multiple times a day." Some memories come back, mostly of me walking to and from Sky Army in the summer. It was so exhausting.
"Well I can imagine that Sky would be like that." Moss says. "Where'd Daniel go?"

I shrug. "I saw him go into the kitchen just a few minutes ago." He pocked his head back into the room.
"Does anyone want bacon?"

I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL WEDNESDAY D: I have three tests, maths, science and Italian. Not fun, especially since they are all after each other. Ugh. And guys, for the voting on the baby genders, I'm not excepting any that you comment on Wattpad. so please use the link in my bio.

Though so far its looking like twins with a girl and boy is winning. Cant wait to see if that changes or not. So go and vote and I will give an update on the progress next Sunday.

It's so hot over here, save me. And it's not even Summer yet. Help me.

WELL, vote, comment, follow me to join the flock today and keep on chirpin my birds. Byee :D

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