Chapter 46

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Your POV (weeks later)

Days. Weeks. Months. I have no idea how long I've been here, but I know I've been here for a while. The things I know about being here, torture. Daniel came weeks ago, now Moss is also here. She also tried to get me out but got captured. She is in the cell opposite Daniel and me, also chained up.

Whenever I get raw food Daniel goes and eats it and gives me his bread. That makes Seto quite confused and fascinated on how "I'm-eating-the-raw-food". I don't say anything because seeing him jump around like a school girl when he first saw that the raw meat had been eaten was quite entertaining.

I'm glad that Daniel had been doing that for me, giving me more suitable food for me and my baby. Right now it's- I don't even know right now. I've been here so long I've lost tract of the days and time.

Daniel is sitting at the other side of our cell staring at the wall. Moss and I are just talking to each other trying not to get caught by the guards. "Have you heard the guards?" Moss said in a whisper. We are sitting as close to the cell bars as we possibly can.
"What have they been saying?" I questioned getting interested with what the guards are talking about.

"Well, they've been talking how in less than a month, it's the day Deadlox went missing after three years." Really? Less than a month until it's been a year since I met Enderlox, the ender side at least.
"Less than a month? That's incredible, bet Sky's feeling down about this." I commented with a chuckle.

Daniel came into the conversation with a funny little comment. "Yeah, his little lover gone. Aww, how sad." We all burst out laughing at that. That's the first time I've laughed since I got caught.
"Yeah yeah, funny for you." We all stopped at that voice.

We looked in the hallway seeing Seto and Sky both approaching. Stern looks on both of their faces, narrow eyes looking at us. "What gives you the right to say those types of things about us?" Sky says stopping in front of our cells.
I growled. "I'm pregnant."

He looked at me. "And that gives you the right to say that, hybrid?" He spat. I can see he's mad, even with his glasses on. Can I make a joke about how he always wears his glasses? Seto just stood there watching it all go down.
"Leave her alone!" Daniel growled.
Moss joined in. "Yeah!"

"Enough!" Seto stopped Daniel and Moss. "We came to talk to the ice dragon hybrid." I growled angrily. They call me by the type of hybrid I am, they haven't even asked what my name is. It's getting me fed up.

Seto took out his keys and opened the cell door. I moved back away from the cell bars as they came in. I looked at Daniel and moss who both looked angry but frightened at the same time. I'm frightened too, Sky hasn't come down to here since I got put here. And the fact he's also with Seto is freaking me out.

I pressed myself against the wall. "So how are you feeling? Any cramps, contractions?" I looked at Seto confused. How am I feeling? Any contractions?! I growled.
"Well if you want a truthful answer from me you'll have to leave my friends alone."  He looked shocked.
"No can do. So, any contractions?" Seto asked again.

I put my hand on my belly looking at him mad. I moved my wings the best I could to look defensive. "I think I would tell you if I've had any. But I don't think I'd tell you first actually."
"Ok fine. Now for the sake of your kind we'd like to do two things." Seto bent down in front of me and Sky just smiled and nodded. "First thing, we'd like to give you an ultrasound to check on your baby."

His hand reached out and my heart began racing. An ultrasound? I did the first thing I could think of, scratch him. I unsheathed my claws, brought them up fast and scratched his face. He gasped backing away as blood began dripping from the wound. I growled angrily at him. He whispered something to Sky who nodded.

This time Sky approached. I kept my claws out, scratching the stone floor making an irritating noise. Sky stopped in front of me and bent down. I want to scratch him so bad, maybe even break his glasses. "Ok so you don't want an ultrasound. He was just going to check to see if your baby is still healthy and alive."
"Like I'd believe that, you liar." No reaction. How can he have no reaction to that? 
"Now I'd like to ask something that might change life for the both of us."

Huh? Change life for the both of us? What's that supposed to mean? He took a deep breath. "Now as you and your 'friends' were joking about, yes it's almost been three years since he disappeared. And I have been thinking. If he doesn't come back I'd like to do good for your kind." He looked into my eyes and I immediately felt awkward. I tried to move from his gaze but Seto had put some sort of spell on me.

Why he put a spell on me so I can't look away from his eyes, I think is kind of weird. "So when your baby is born and maybe some time after, we are going to start a breeding program. And I thought that I'd be the one to volunteer." A BREEDING PROGRAM!

I felt angry, mad, frustrated that he would think I'd do that with him. I felt my eyes glow brighter, the slits narrowing to thin lines. "I will not do that with you. You are a liar, a coward to your army. And I'm married!"

With that I took my claws and clawed him deeper than I did to Seto. He looked hurt in both ways. He stumbled back hitting the bars, clutching his wound. I stood up the best I could and glared at him. "You. Will. Not." I felt ice travel through me to my hands, a glow forming in the cell. "Have my babies!"

I shot the ice ball in Sky's direction and Seto got him out of the way in time. "Get out!" They didn't hesitate but sent guards in to chain me down properly. I fought but failed as they chained me down, cuffing my hands together in front of me. I was forced to sit since I could barely stand anymore.

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. In and out, in and out. "(Y/n), you can do that?" I looked at Daniel whose eyes are wide.
"They got me mad and saw the real dragon side of me. They mess with me and my family, they are going to get it." I sat against the wall looking at my belly. They won't be messing with us anymore.

Sky's POV

"She's dangerous Seto, why do we even keep her?" he looked at me as if I'm crazy from the bed he's sitting on as a nurse came and fixed him up.
"We aren't getting rid of her. She's a rare hybrid who's pregnant. We worked so hard to get her, we aren't going to waste that."
"But didn't you see what she did if we even got close." I winced as a bandage was tightened around my wound. "She scratched us."

"Well she really went at you when you told her that you want to do that. I need to note down what happens when she's angered." I looked at him and nodded. "She shot some sort of ice magic at you, if I didn't help you, you would have probably been frozen, or even killed."
"That, wouldn't have been good."

The rest of the time Seto and I were being fixed up we just sat there in silence. I was almost killed. And by the person I volunteered to help out. I had volunteered to do the breeding program with her to one, feel helpful to her kind, and two, to try and move on from Ty.

That's a lot from me and to see I was rejected like that by her, I'm feeling as if I may never be loved if Ty doesn't come back. I don't know what I'm going to do.

I let out a long deep sigh as Seto and I now walked down the hallway. "Seto."
He looked up from writing in his book at me. "Yes Sky?"
I stopped walking and Seto did too. "About the hybrid, I need to tell you something. It's about Ty, a-and Enderlox." Hearing that he turned to me fully.

"What is it about Ty and Enderlox?" He questioned. I took a deep breath. I need to tell him what Enderlox told me.
"I-I... Enderlox-" I just stopped. I can't tell him, Enderlox is just messing with my mind. "Never mind."
Seto put his hand on my shoulder. "Sky, if you need to say something, just say it."
"It- it doesn't matter, ok. I'm just going to go."

I could tell he was going to protest but he didn't. He just nodded, turned and walked in the direction of his office.

Ok, going to make this quick. Tomorrow I will be going on a week holiday away meaning there will be no updates until I come back. And in that time if you haven't yet and would like to, vote for what gender/s you want the baby/s. Because it's coming close to the end meaning the baby/s will be born very soon.
And guys, I don't count votes you put in the comments. I'm only taking the ones that are on the poll, and the link is in my bio. So please go and do that. Anyway, vote, comment, follow me to join the flock today and keep on chirpin my birds. Byee :D

Predator: Enderlox x Reader (Wattys 2015) (FINISHED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ