Chapter 41 -Part 3

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Seto's POV 

I watched the battle go on from the castle ledge. I'm standing by the recruits who are using the water cannons, so I can be there to instruct them. There are two people at each cannon, one shooting and the other is helping with the aiming. Some of the people up here are from Dead Army but the most are from Sky Army.

We haven't been able to use the cannons yet because Enderlox hasn't come close enough. He just needs to come close so we can shoot him with water and damage him. Now all we have to do is wait.

Another few screams were heard down below and I looked down from the ledge to see Enderlox. He's killing a few people, but whenever a Dead Army volunteer attacks him he just ignores them. I'm confused about that but not really concerned about that, I'm concentrating on killing Enderlox right now.

He flew up so he was hovering in front of us. I glared at him as he looked at the canons and then at me. "Shoot!" I yelled and as they were told, they shot the water cannons at him. He was a bit shocked as he was sprayed with water but surprisingly, he didn't hiss in pain or anything.
"Thanks for that Seto. It really cooled me off." He growled before diving at one of the recruits.

The recruits screamed as one was killed. How is this possible? He's an Ender Dragon hybrid, they get harmed by water. I've read lots of books on them and they all say that water is their weakness. Turning back to Enderlox, I watched as he killed the last Sky Army Recruit that was helping with the water cannons.

He turned to me with an evil grin, blood splatted on his shirt and claws. The Dead Army guards had once again been left untouched by him. They looked at him afraid as he walked right past them to me. I backed up, afraid. He didn't get harmed by the water cannon. WHY!

"Ah Seto, you and your traps." He cackled throwing a punch to my face knocking me back into a wall. He grabbed my neck and pinned me to the wall, as I tried to pry his hand off. That only made his grip tighter and I could feel his claws coming out. "Too bad for you that this one didn't work."
"H-how, y-yo-you survived that?" I choked out.

He laughed. "That is for me to know and for you to find out. Now if you don't mind, I have to get going." I gasped in air as he let me go and flew off, once again leaving the dead army volunteers untouched by him.

The people from dead army that had been helping me out with the water cannons came over and helped me out. "Are you alright sir?" "Why wasn't he harmed?"
"Yes I'm alright, and I don't get why he wasn't harmed. It just doesn't make sense." I replied as they helped me up.

I looked behind them at the bodies. Claw marks over their faces, intestines spilled out with blood everywhere. Absolutely horrible. "I also don't get why he only went for them and not you guys. It really doesn't make sense."
"I'm sure we'll find out sir, I know we will." One of them says and I just nod.
"Let's hope we do."

Sky's POV

I dodged another attack from an enderman then stabbed it in the chest. It screeched out but died, purple blood spirting out. I removed my sword from its body as another two teleported at both of my sides.

One tried to claw at me while the other had grabbed a hold of Paco. I elbowed the one that had tried to claw at me and cut the other's arms off. Quickly I finished off the one I had elbowed away and sighed. Paco looks stressed and scared.  "Hey girl, it's ok now. They won't get you, I promise." She neighed in acknowledgement of what I'm saying.

I looked around seeing a few more enderman around the area but not many. They are teleporting around, none looking my way. The most of the enderman are where all the other people are. Seto a little while ago had come and told me how the water cannons had not worked on Enderlox, and how he didn't go for the Dead Army volunteers.

Predator: Enderlox x Reader (Wattys 2015) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now