Chapter 38

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Seto's POV

I'm sitting at my desk, searching through piles and piles of books. It's late at night and I'm trying to find something particular. For the war I'm thinking of a way, to hopefully, capture that ice dragon hybrid. Those hybrids are extremely rare, and we have no records on them, only how they were eliminated because they were seen as dangerous.

The exact thing I'm trying to find is a net that will harm any Ender from getting touching it. So if I use it and capture the hybrid, and if Enderlox tries to get her out, he'll get hurt. Same for the enderman, and enderman hybrids if he has any. Though enderman hybrids aren't very powerful, they're nearly the least useful hybrids there are.

After another half an hour of searching, I found what I was looking for. Ender shock nets. My clock chimed ten at night. I've been at this since the Phoenix hybrid was seen over the base. Nearly eight hours now.

I yawned, but stopped myself. No Seto, you need to do this, you need to stay awake. But I yawned again. Darn you sleep. Since I'm a sorcerer, I could use my magic but that would make me even sleepier. Deciding to give into the sleep, I went to my bed and collapsed into the darkness of sleep.

The morning came quickly, too quickly for me. I yawned and stretched in bed. That was a good bit of sleep. I opened my eyes to see my clock, reading 9:48. Did I sleep in that long?

Quickly I hopped out of bed and into my main office, fixing my clothes and hair with my magic. There was a knock at the door followed by Sky calling out. "Seto, wake up!"
I walk to the door and open it seeing Sky standing there getting ready to knock again. "I'm awake Sky."
"Seto you've slept in, that's not normally like you." He says.
"Sorry, was searching for something last night." I explain walking back over to my desk.

I picked up my book that I left on the page on Ender Shock Traps. The page includes instructions on how to make the trap, stuff used to make it and how to use them.

My door closed and footsteps tapped on the floor signalling that Sky had come in. "What are you looking at now? You're always reading you know Seto." Sky said, stopping and standing next to me.
I sighed. "I'm looking at these special traps so if the ice dragon hybrid shows up, we can capture her. If we do and Enderlox even tries to rescue her, he'll be zapped." I say reading some of the text on the page then turning to look into his glasses covered eyes.

"That's actually not a bad idea, though it will only work if the ice dragon hybrid is in the war." Sky comments pointing out that if she isn't there, the plan wouldn't work. But of course I have a backup to that.
"Yes Sky, but if it doesn't show up, we could trap Enderlox with it and he would be killed in a matter of minutes."

He pondered that idea for a minute it so but nodded. "I can deal with that. Him being trapped will be an easier way to kill him too. Where do you get all these amazing ideas." He asks.
I chuckle at the question. "I read a lot."

We walk down to breakfast, apparently they hadn't started eating yet. But they all know I eat by myself, so I don't know why they would be waiting for me. Probably because I slept in. I sat at my chair, placed my book on the table and continued reading the pages on the traps.

"-the traps can shock many Enders at once, as long as the trap is either big enough, or many are touching it. For enderman these traps..." My reading was cut off by Jerome calling me. I looked up from my book to him, seeing that everyone's looking at me.
"What?" I ask. "Why is everyone looking at me?"
They all laugh a bit at my reaction. "Seto, we've been trying to get your attention. You're breakfast is getting cold." Jerome says. I sigh, this one reason is why I don't eat with them. I can never get any peace and quiet.

"You know, this is why I never eat out here. I can't read for five minutes straight and it's hard to concentrate." I say.
"We know, but you need to eat out here sometimes. We get worried." Husky says getting nods of agreement from everyone.
"I'm just, really busy with stuff, especially for the war."
"We all are." Mitch replied finishing his mouthful of eggs.

I sighed. I'm not going to get anything done. I closed my book and pushed my chair out before picking up my plate. "I'm going go eat in my room." I mutter quietly before walking away from the table and out of the room. Now, I need to start getting the materials for the trap, which includes a lot of magic.

Sky's POV

The doors shut behind Seto as he walked out with his plate. I sighed. "We almost had him eating with us this time. Though I can understand that he's busy. He found something that will help with the war and by the sounds of it, he'll be needing a lot of energy."
"You know Sky, he reminds me a lot of when we first found Ty. He wouldn't want to eat thinking that his food may be poisoned." I looked at Mitch who had spoken.

I went to say something but I didn't. I still really miss Ty and it's nearly been three years. Though I'm not giving up hope, I know he's still out there and he'll come back. And it's true, when we first found Ty, he thought that the food we gave him was poisoned so he wouldn't eat. But then he started making his own food, and I must say he made better food than Ian did back then.

Ty was only 7 when we first found him, weak and injured, limping not knowing where he was going. But he still managed to run a bit before passing out. "Yeah, Seto is a lot like when we found Ty." I say then go back to eating my eggs and bacon. I look down at my plate not wanting them to see me like this. A tear threatened to fall but I held it back. I have to stay strong, for Ty.

I finished my breakfast and excused myself from the table. I need some time to myself, I always do when they bring up Ty. Another reason why I want to kill Enderlox, is because he was the one who took him. I don't know where Ty is but I know he's still alive out there.

Guys, don't you just hate it when you are doing archery, you shoot the arrow at the target and the arrow BOUNCES OFF THE TARGET! Because that's what happened to me. It BOUNCED off the target. Must of been like, "nope, I'm going to screw this up for her." I hate it.

And I have an announcement, I am either going to for this book, write a sequel, or a prequel. I have ideas for both but I'm thinking that doing a prequel would be easier since I've had more time to think about it. Let me know what you want, sequel or prequel.

Enderlox: hey, what are you doing?

Me: oh, you've decided to join me in the outros again have you?

You: yep we have

Me: hey (y/n), how's the baby?

Enderlox: the baby's going great, still a while till he or she's born. Can't wait *kisses you*

Me: well, I'm going to end it here. I hope you have another great week and I'll see you in the next chapter, byee :D

All: *waves*

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