Chapter 43

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You wanted another chapter, here it is. Now I'm going to have breakfast.

Your POV

I didn't know what had happened. Where am I? What's happening with me? Am I doing to die, is that what is happening? I really don't want to die. Why did I have to end up like this, being dragged through the halls of the Sky Army base on my back?

Wait! The Sky Army base. My eyes widened in shock to confirm that I'm being dragged on my back down a hallway. I look up to the ceiling to see that two guards are dragging me. Quickly I close my eyes and listen to their conversation. "We have to be careful with this one. She's pregnant and Seto said to do no harm to her." One says to the other.
"Yeah, she's a beauty. Whoever is the father is a really lucky man." The other comments making me growl.

I opened my eyes again. Do no harm to me? You took me from Ender, my husband. When I'm pregnant! "Let me go!" I say to them, starting to try and get up as they drag me along. The stop walking and talking in shock hearing that I spoke. They looked down at me meeting my eyes.
"Sorry but we can't do that. We are under strict instructions." The one who spoke first said.
I pouted, trying to look all innocent. "Can I at least walk? It's very uncomfortable being dragged, plus I wouldn't want to harm my baby."

They looked at each other and nodded. Carefully they helped me stand, and that was when I realised my wings and arms were cuffed together. Seto is no longer seeming nice to me. Sure he fixed Alison's bow in the past, but now he's being mean. My bow! I checked behind me on my back seeing my bow is still there, along with my arrows at my side.

As we continued to walk, more like them walking and me being forced along, I kept my head down not wanting to make eye contact with any of the guards. It's intimidating being held hostage around people like this, especially being a rare hybrid. What will Seto try and do to me? What will he do to the baby? What about Enderlox? I want him with me when I have the baby, but now it seems like I'm going to be alone when I have it.

We arrived at a room that I was forced into. No words, I was just shoved in. I looked around seeing that it's some sort of office. A wooden desk sat at one end of the small room, a shelf with empty bottles sitting on it, some more on the desk. A pile of books sat on the desk, with some open.

A door creaked open and I turned to where I had first entered. There stood Seto, a happy look on his face as he saw me. I growled at him as he walked closer. "We'll look at this, if it isn't an ice dragon hybrid. I have been wanting research on your kind for years, though most were all killed and hard to find. So now it's probably just you." He walks even closer, my tail flickering dangerously. "Though finding that the possible only ice dragon hybrid is pregnant, that's something. Maybe your kind has a chance again."

"What do you want from me? Let me go!" I spat.
"All I want from you is some research. I want to find out some of the things about your kind," he went over and picked up the open book from the desk, "seeing as we have no records except this one picture and a few words on how your entire species was killed."

He showed me the picture and my eyes widened, tears threatening to fall. That picture is my dad, a sword about to be swung at him from behind. His features are all clear, his wings, tail, and his eyes. People did say I had his eyes. The book closed and I looked at Seto with anger. Thinks he can taunt me with some of my memories? "Now I'll be taking your things and we'll show you to your new home."

He just took everything, my bow and arrows, even my hybrid bracelet which he found quite interesting. He came to my pendant which had fallen out of my shirt. "What's this? A pendant, an amazing looking one at that." He reached for my pendant but I stepped back. I couldn't let him take it, it's too valuable to me. "Hey, stand still."
"No, I won't let you take it from me!" I growled angrily as he tried to reach for it again, but failed as I stepped to the side.

Eventually seeing how he was making no progress, he let me keep it. "This is the one thing I'm going to let you keep." And relief fell over me, knowing I'll get to keep something of mine. Now I'm being escorted down the dungeon passage, past many cells filled with people. The further we went, the more dangerous the person or creature looked. Guess he thinks I'm dangerous. When we arrived at near the end of the hallway, he opened an empty cell.

"This will be your new home." I tried to fight against being put in but I gave up knowing if I didn't stop I may harm the baby in the process. The cell is small, stone bricks lined the wall, cracks and chips in some. Some even had vines coming out of them. Seto came to me as I sat at the back and un-cuffed my hands. "This will be your home until the baby is born. Though I'm going to allow for when the baby is going to be born, the guards will escort you to a more suitable place. Enjoy your stay."

And with that he got up and left the cell, locking it and leaving out of sight. A tear formed in my eye and I just let it fall. I'm trapped, in the dungeon for something I didn't do. Nothing was blamed on me, someone just thought it would be a good idea to take a rare hybrid who's pregnant, and put her in a cell. And that person is Seto, he is going to pay for what he did.

-time skip of a few hours-

I had myself curled up in a ball against the wall. I don't like it hear already, people are hurt, some yell and cry. Others in hear don't do anything, I can tell. Enderlox is probably mad at himself, or upset that I was taken. I am too. The baby hasn't kicked since we came here, he was (you still don't know the gender remember, just what you wanted to call it for now) always kicking during the war, most likely knowing that his father is fighting. Now, there's nothing.

Just then, as I was giving up hope, I felt a small kick. Then another, and a few more. A smile grew on my face as I felt my baby kick. "Hey I'm here, don't worry. We are together." I whispered to my belly. Another kick.
"What do you want?" Another few kicks from the baby.

"I heard you talking. Who are you talking to?" I looked up and glared at Seto who is now standing in front of my cell.
"Why would you need to know?" I snapped at him.
"Really I'm just wanting to help you in anyway I can. And knowing who you are talking to may help." He replied calmly. Why is he so calm? I could kill him if I wanted to right now.

I placed my hand on my belly. "I'm just talking to my belly, seeing what my baby needs."
"Oh, are you hungry? Maybe that's it." He said looking at my belly making me growl. "I'll just take that as a yes."
And with that he moved out of sight. I guess I'm a little bit hungry, that making the baby hungry.

In less than ten minutes he was back with a plate with something on it. He unlocked and opened my cell door and came over to me. Carefully he placed the plate down and I looked at what was on it. A piece of raw steak. I gagged at it and pushed it away with my foot.

"Wait, you don't want that? But you're an ice dragon hybrid, shouldn't you also eat raw meat?" I growled in response.
"Ok, I'll get you something else then." He picked up the plate and walked out, closing the door behind him muttering to himself. 'Knew I should've gotten the cooked one like Ian said.'

Minutes later he came back with a cooked steak and an apple. He placed it in front of me and I slowly began eating. My eyes widened at the taste, it's nearly as good as Enderlox's cooking. I ate it even quicker, finishing in a matter of minutes. "You enjoyed that, huh? You won't be getting much of that, that was just Ian's idea."

I ignored him as I munched on my apple. Seto took the now empty plate and left me. Oh Enderlox, I really miss you.

Predator: Enderlox x Reader (Wattys 2015) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now