Chapter 28

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This one is going to be long so enjoy :D

Your POV

Alison handed her bow to Enderlox who carefully took it. He held the two pieces together with on hand and hovered his other over the bow. He began to chant some words in the language he used when he was fixing my sword and a light began to form around the bow. I watched as he continued to chant the words over and over again. Soon the light faded but the bow was still in two pieces. He frowned looking from the bow to Alison.

"I'm sorry Alison, this bow doesn't use the same magic I use to heal itself. Or I just don't know what spell to use." He says. I look at Alison who looks as if she's about to cry but I can tell she's holding it back.
"It's ok, I know you tried." She says. Another type of magic, a different spell. I've got it. Someone more advanced in magic needs to fix it. And I know just the person.

"Enderlox, hand me the bow. I don't use magic but I know someone who might know how to fix it." I announce causing them both to look at me with confusion and wander.
"You do? Who is it?" Alison asks a smile appearing on her face.
"I will tell you when I get back." Enderlox hands me her bow and I put it in my quiver and strap it around my waist before I take off.

-Time skip of flying and fixing stuff-

I fly back from Sky Army holding Alison's now fixed bow. Getting her bow fixed honestly took longer then I thought. I thought I would get in, get it fixed and come home. But if course he had to explain things. But I'm just glad that Seto could fix the bow. Yes Seto, who else would I go to for something that includes magic.

Honestly Seto is very kind, I don't care what Enderlox would think if he read my thoughts right now, Seto is kind. Though when I asked him to fix the bow he was asking who's it was and if I was a hybrid. Of course I had to lie and not tell him. Who knows what he or Sky would do if they found out I'm a hybrid. They probably would immediately throw me in the dungeons and do experiments on me.

I actually learnt some things about the hybrid bows. "Hybrid bows, these are rare bows and there are to be said only one for each element of hybrid, ice, fire, air, lightning, water and earth. Each bow does something different when an arrow is fired though they only work with their owner. Once a hybrid bow is founded and held by the same element that bow belongs to them and can only be used by them. When the owner of the bow dies the next person of that same element that holds the bow claims it and so on." Setos words went through my head as I continued flying home.

Soon I reached home and I landed out the back, but I saw that they weren't there and the fire was dying down flickering in the slight breeze. I walked around to the front if the house figuring that they must be inside. I reach the door and place my hand on the door nob. I sigh in relief knowing her bow is fixed, and open the door. Inside Alison is sitting on the couch, her head in her hands with her eyes closed. Enderlox is pacing, hands behind his back and wings loose against his back.

"I'm back." I announce getting their attention. I keep Alison's bow behind my back just to see what happens. Enderlox sees me and sighs in relief while Alison tries look around behind my back but obviously fails from where she is sitting. "Where is it? Did you get my bow fixed? Wh," I cut her off by taking her bow from behind my back and holding it out. She smiles and rushes over grabbing her bow from my hands.
"It's fixed. It's really fixed. Thank you so much (y/n)." She cries out happily and gives me a quick hug.

"Wait-what, how did you get the bow fixed? I tried all I could and I didn't fix it. I must thank whoever fixed her bow sometime." He says and as I turn my attention to him as he walks over. I just burst out laughing. He actually wants to thank Seto? This is just too funny. He wants to thank Seto. I'm now laughing so hard that I have to use the wall for support.
"What, what's so funny? Did I say something?" He asks confused on why I just burst out laughing.

Predator: Enderlox x Reader (Wattys 2015) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now