Chapter 44

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Gahh, its so hot. Help me!

Seto's POV

I left the dungeon with the empty plate that I had given the ice dragon hybrid. How does she not like raw meat, she's an ice dragon hybrid! Shouldn't all dragon hybrids eat meat? They are part dragon, and dragons eat meat. This is all very strange.

I walked back into my office grabbing my note book that I labelled 'Ice Dragon Hybrid Research'. Taking that, a pen and the empty plate, I walked back out down the hall in the direction to the dining room. We were eating when I had thought that the hybrid may need something.

On my way to the dining room, I wrote down some notes. Day 1: We captured the hybrid and found that she is pregnant. Kind might have a chance. Gave her some raw steak, wasn't eaten. Need to get reasons on that-

A big scribble was made on my page as I bumped into someone knocking them down. "I'm so sorry, I- Sky?" Sure enough, there on the floor in front of me lay Sky rubbing his head.
"No it's ok Seto, I'm still really dizzy from blood loss." He replied as I helped him up. He rubbed his head and I saw bandages on his shoulders.

"I'm glad you are alright Sky. We were all worried for you." A small smile formed on his face, but quickly fell. A look of confusion and worry formed on his face.
"How am I alive? Is the war still going on? The last thi-." I stopped him, not wanting him to get stressed.
"The war is over Sky, Enderlox retreated when we captured the ice dragon hybrid. How you are here and alive, that was the Phoenix hybrid. Said something about Enderlox wanting to properly kill you or something. But really, that's not a problem at the moment."

We walked down the hall talking about the war. We are both glad that the war is over and that we won. Sure Enderlox retreated, but that counts as a win for us. A big win at that. The last time I checked on the town of the army base, some were upset that loved ones had been killed, others celebrating the win.

I pushed open the door for sky and we went into the dining room, where as expected, they are all celebrating. "Guys." I called out getting their attention, gesturing to Sky.
"Sky, you're alive."
"What happened to you?"
"We won!"

Sky's eyes widened at all the sudden questions and statements, though I can't tell since he's wearing his glasses. His eyes probably did widen though.

"Guys, I'm fine. Enderlox got a hold of me and nearly killed me. I too am surprised that I'm alive." They all gasped at that but I stayed the same knowing this already. "And yes, we WON!" We all cheered at that.
Jason got our attention. "This guys is a reason to celebrate. We won against the enders."

At that we all cheered. Even me. We are all glad that the war is over and that we won in the end. Sky sat down at his seat and we all followed. Ian brought out a plate of steak and potatoes for Sky and then sat back down. I went back to my note book, where it now has a scribble across the page from where I bumped into Sky.

I groaned at my now messed up page. "Esare." And with that the pen mark was gone. -she doesn't like the raw foods. Maybe it's what her kind eats but it's strange that her kind may eat cooked foods.

"What are you writing about now Seto? Are you really going to keep reading when we are all celebrating?" Sky asked and I looked up from my book to him.
"Sky, we caught the ice dragon hybrid. I'm just writing down a few notes on what I'm finding strange and interesting at the moment."

A smile formed on his face. "You actually caught her? That's amazing." By now everyone else had finished their dinner and were chatting away and celebrating the win, leaving it so Sky and I could talk on our own.
"Yeah and the best thing, she's pregnant! Her kind might have a chance."

He went silent at that, his smile fading and his face just showed no emotion. Except worry. What would he be worried about? "Sky. What's wrong?"
"The father, what about the father of her baby?" he simply says looking down. By now Jerome is on the table dancing and messing around with- No I need to concentrate on Sky and the hybrid.
"Do you think there's another ice dragon hybrid?"

He shook his head. "No, I know who the father is." He does, how?
"Who is it?"
"You won't believe me, but I think the father is Enderlox." I gasped. How could Enderlox be the father? She's an Ice dragon hybrid. With an Ender Dragon hybrid? And that being Enderlox? That doesn't sound like a good pair to me.

"Why would you think that-" he cut me off.
"I know he is. When the war started he yelled out 'For my wife and child,' and he was carrying her here. It just makes sense. Enderlox is the father." I felt light headed hearing that but managed to stay awake and upright. Her kind might not have a chance if he's the father.

Sky got up from his seat having finished his plate. "I'm going to my room if you need me."'

Sky's' POV

I got up from my seat and left the room. Enderlox is the father of the ice dragon's baby. I don't know what to think. Sure I'm glad that we have an endangered hybrid who's pregnant, but the fact the father is a dangerous hybrid who has started two wars and killed many people, that's the scary part.

And how Seto said that, the Phoenix hybrid that saved me told him that Enderlox will be back to kill me, I know he's going to be coming for his wife and baby. And he's going to kill me. He almost did today, but now he's determined to get me.

I reached my room and opened the door heading in and sitting on my bed. The war is over but there is still something stuck in my mind that I can't get out. The moment that Enderlox told me that he is Ty kept replaying in my mind

But I refuse to believe it. The man I love can't be that monster, he killed my horse. My favourite horse. I-I had her for years, Ty helped me choose her from the field where we were getting our horses. If Enderlox is Ty, he wouldn't have killed her.

A tear formed in my eye thinking of all the memories I had with Ty and my horse. Enderlox isn't Ty, he was just trying to taunt me with my memories, making me an easy target. But what I was doing didn't make it any better.

I had reached over to my bedside table and pulled out the small black box that I kept, hoping that I could use it when Ty returns. I was going to use it that tragic day but Enderlox took him from me. Inside the box is a budder ring, a big emerald at the top with amethysts either side of it.

More tears formed in my eyes, realising that now I may never be able to use it from what Enderlox said. If it's true, I've made an enemy with my one love.

Oh Ty, come back to me and tell me that isn't true. I really miss you.

Really guys, its really hot 37 degrees Celsius, which if i check, is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Please, help me. Happy new year and thanks for an amazing year. I cant believe that I've come this far with just this one book. over 200 followers, this book has 35 thousand reads. That's definitely more then i ever thought id get with all my books in total. 

And I've made many amazing friends, so thank you. Also, I have some news. this book sadly, has only 5 more chapters and then the final ending. I'm sad for that, but ill have some (hopefully) exciting news for some upcoming books. Yes, more then one. 

Vote, comment, follow me to join the flock today and keep on chirpin my birds. Byee :D

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