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clay was begging, the knife against georges neck really got to him, seeing the blood from the boy he cared for, it made him fear for everyone.

"kevin, you want my power, then kill me and leave them out of this" clay was trying to get his sternness back, he was semi succeeding but kevin didnt lay off. the knife slowly slid down georges neck, his eyes shut and wincing in pain as it sliced through his all to perfect skin.

"i want more than your power clay, i want your legacy, the most brutal man in America. Known for being heartless, for killing anyone who got in your way. and you are in my way" he took the knife off of georges neck and stood up, letting the brunette go.

"clay i have had you before, i have had you in my grasp, and each time, you manage to escape because you had nothing to loose. but these people, you would die for these people, and that's why you haven't escaped yet" kevin scoffed and stared at clay, almost sending memories that clay didnt know he had over to him.

clay remembered the time he was held hostage in Japan, he was there for vacation but was kidnapped and held for the fun of it. and other times, where the person holding him wasn't kevin, but they were working for kevin.

"personally my favorite time was when i watched you get almost whipped to death" kevin smirked, but clay immediately knew what he was talking about, it was why he never went shirtless, because his back. his back was lined with perfect scars from that whip, dozens of them.

"just because i was unconscious does not mean i was about to die" clay scoffed, trying to come off as careless and it was almost working. almost.

"you kill everyone in this room, what next. are you going to just walk into town and say that you killed me? who the hell do you think would be dumb enough to believe that" clay smirked a bit, it was a sinister smirk that had hidden intentions, but no one else knew that.

"your right" kevin smirked and pulled something from the back of his belt, a long leather tail like whip unrolled and hit the ground with a thud.

"i need proof" kevin walked through the chairs of people, every single one of them let out some type of sound, whether it was a whimper or a jerk against the chair, everyone was trying to prevent what clay knew what about to happen.

clay shut his eyes, his face going blank as he was starting to disassociate. he could do it on cue, where his body was there but his mind was somewhere else. he would feel the pain, oh the pain would be worse, but he wouldn't show it, he would practically watch his body be whipped.

Everyone watched as clays eyes shut, scar tried to move but she felt arms on her shoulders, holding her still. techno and corpse tried more and more to break free but it was just giving them rope burns against their wrists. the whip was tossed to the side, and everyone watched as it cracked against clays back. everyone kept trying to move, everyone had their own reasons to break free, but they were all practically being held down by men.

clay didnt flinch, he barley moved, and everyone froze when they realized this. they watched him be whipped and he didnt show any pain.

kevin knew what he was doing, and it annoyed him, because there was nothing he could do about it. there was no way to bring him back without not hurting him.

so he whipped, the leather skin snapping against his back, leaving a long line each time it sliced his skin, the new cuts crossing over all the old ones, opening old wounds that should have stayed closed.

the blonde didnt move, techno and corpse looked from eachother and then back to him, because he looked dead. he looked like a corpse, motionless, and they didnt even know if he was breathing.

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