entytway ourfay

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george looked up at clay, his face visibly both horrified and interested. when they were in the warehouse, clay was shirtless yes. but george was so distracted, his vision in and out mixed with the dim lighting, he barley saw clays body.

the moonlight from the large pein windows was shining against the blondes body, allowing george to see little and large ridges, not the marks but the bumps that they created. but he didnt care.

clays hands leaned down and gently gripped georges sides, his large worn fingers pushing against the brunette pale un-touched sides. they connected in a kiss once more, but this time clay was pushing as hard as he could, his tongue going for the back of georges throat and almost gagging him.

his face was pressed against georges, somehow biting his lip and making out at the same time. his hands slowly went down georges torso, the tips of his fingers sliding under his waistband, the ice touch sending shivers up georges body as the brunettes hands rested around clays neck, one tugging at his hair slightly and the other simply gripping his shoulder.

clay pulled georges sweats down, leaving the brunette in only his boxers with a very brominate problem that was very, very visible. the blonde smirked in the kiss, exhaling a little as he found it amusing.

george love and hated every bit of this. he loved it, but he hated how slow clay was going, he hated that he knew since he pulled that little stunt in the car, that clay was going to torture him.

clay pushed his right palm down on georges boxers without warning. which in return, made georges back arche a little into clays chest, and a sluttish moan to be sent into clays mouth. the blonde laughed a little and pushed harder, moving his hand excruciatingly slow against george.

the brunette tried to squirm, but all he managed to do was whimper into the kiss, let out noises he didnt even know he was capable of.

"theres- theres lube-" george tried to speak but he was so out of breathe, so deprived and so aroused that he couldn't form a sentence. but his words, mixed with the pathetic arm he threw to the side, pointing to a dresser that was on the opposite wall from them.

"in a rush are we?" clays words were low, a little smile on his lips as he took his mouth away from georges, moving it back down to his neck where he immediately found his sweet spot.

"I- please!" georges voice was aroused, high pitched and desperate. clays hand was still, moving so very slowly against george to the point georges hands were trying to push his hand away.

clay chuckled a little, taking his left hand and grabbing both of his wrists in one go, pulling them up and pinning them at the top of georges headboard that was railing, giving george something to hold on and also making it all the more easy to pin him.

"hmmm~ no" george felt clays smile on his body, his hot breathe against his skin, his lips and teeth digging into his neck and leaving marks that would last days if not weeks.

georges face showed discomfort, his hands being pinned, clays hand against his dick that was begging, pleading to be touched. but he knew as much as he begged, as much as he struggled, clay wasn't going to let up.

clays head lifted up a little, hearing a noise at the bedroom door. though, it was only georges cat.

"oh for fucks sake" clay groaned, letting go of georges hands and rolling off of the bed. but that groan, the way he said it, made george whimper once more.

the blonde leaned over and picked up the cat, holding her in his arms for a moment before he saw george whimpering and attempting to touch himself.

"you touch yourself and im walking out right now" clay didnt even make eye contact, which george found hot, it shouldn't have been. but it was.

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