entytway evensay

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scar looked in awe as clay pulled into another parking garage, this one being decked out with marble walls, water fountains, and other very rich personal things.

clay didnt even bother to look if his sister was following because he knew she was, he heard her asking multiple questions that he wanted to answer but truly didnt have the time for.

"Mr. Huff" a butler looking guy greeted clay, the blonde giving him a brief smile and nod before going for the staircase that seemed to go up a dozen floors.

"whose building is this" scar spoke and clay huffed as she tried to keep up with her brother that skipped two to three stairs at a time as he practically jogged up the stairs.

"mine" he said bluntly as the two reached the top of the stairs, scar staring at the back of his head in shock because she truly didnt know how loaded he was, how much he owned. how powerful he was.

scar decided against asking him what they were doing here, because as soon as he burst through a large set of double doors at the end of a hallway, she had a feeling after she saw multiple people in the room.

clay walked into the room, searching it for james until their eyes locked.

"who were they" he spoke sternly, angry and that scared everyone in the room. it scared his crew because they knew what he was capable of, and it scared scar because she had never seen him this way. hell she barley knew him.

"they are low level citizens, they both have minimum wage jobs, families, its like they just flipped a switch and tried to kill you." james looked at clay helplessly and turned one of the monitor screens and showed the two men down to a crisp.

"connections?" clay questioned as he looked at the men's profiles, seeing that they were completely separate men with completely separate lives.

one was a grocery store clerk and the other was a high school teacher.

"non" james squinted his eyes a little and turned his face away, having a feeling about clay taking his anger out on something.

"fuck" the blonde groaned and stood back up to his full height, his words coming out almost like a stressed yell. though it wasn't very loud, it still managed to echo with how quiet the rooms were.

"what were their salary's" scar approached james in question, of course james had no idea who she was so he looked at her skeptically.

"why" clay looked down at her and she stared at the screens, seeing everything about these men. and then it looked like a lightbulb went off in her head.

"we are in new York." she slowly turned up to him with a very small smirk.

he looked at her like she was crazy but then james made the same connection.

"they were hired" his voice was quiet, like he was talking to himself and suddenly he started spamming letters and numbers into the keyboard.

"rent is sky rocketing, they have families, and they both didnt make shit. someone hired them" scar crossed her arms and walked over to the couch, sitting down on the practically brand new sofa without a single care in the world.

the doors opened once more, this time ash was standing there with two different drink carriers in his hands. holding a total of eight drinks, despite there only being six mafia members and scar.

nick, techno, and corpse did not hesitate to grab a drink. they were iced, with vibrant colors. some looked like strawberry drinks, some looked like kiwi drinks, and the others looked purple, like dragon fruit.

clay looked at ash with a soft expression, genuinely appreciating how innocent and wholesome ash really was. and that he went out of his way to care for the mafia because he knew that no one else would do it for themselves.

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