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george woke up first for once, his sleeping schedule now being fucked do to the point where he fell asleep at five in the afternoon. He was laying against clay, the blonde being slightly propped up with a pillow behind his head. The blondes arm was lazily slung around george, making it near easy to gently slip out of.

soon enough george was in the kitchen, sitting at the island with his laptop and a cup of tea in front of him. the time was somewhere around two in the morning, he could just as easily go right back to bed but he found himself doing work on his computer either way.

clay felt the bed shift, he flinched awake slightly, panicking a big before he realized he was in georges room. he didnt remember much from yesterday, all he does remember was putting his fist through the wall and then all the arguing with random people on the phone.

he threw his legs over the edge of the bed, slowly standing up and feeling the floor slightly creak below him. He had no idea what time it was, but he knew it was still night time due to the blinding new York lights through georges windows.

a pair of arms snaked around georges waist, at first he flinched but realized it was clay. He was so focused on his work that he failed to miss the man coming up behind him, thankfully it was only clay. The blonde dipped his chin into georges neck, leaving little kisses as he watched george slowly loose a grip on his work.

The brunette started typing slower, using the backspace more than any other letters due to typing the wrong letters over and over. He was so distracted, there were arms around his torso and clay leaving little love bites that weren't anything to stay but george still felt them all to much.

clay could feel george getting frustrated and soon enough the laptop slammed shut and george spun around. The blonde had to hold back a laugh as george looked up at him like a disappointed parent. And something clay didnt want to admit, is that george making him leave the house and actually getting some sleep has definetly helped his nerves.

"what would I do without you" he hummed, reaching his arms out again and feeling georges wrap around his waist. The brunettes head was resting on clays chest, the two simply enjoying the soft company of each other.

"probably go crazy" george chuckled, squeezing his arms a little tighter despite him knowing clay could probably barely feel it. Clay returned the same energy, holding george only a little tighter because he knew how hard he could squeeze and he didnt want to hurt the man.

"I think nine hours is the longest iv ever seen you sleep" george gently pulled away, sitting back down on the bar stool and bringing the tea mug back up to his lips. he looked up to see clays face, seeing the blonde had a shocked and mere confused look on his face.

"nine hours? what time is it?" clay looked around a bit, finally seeing the clock on georges microwave showing the time as '2:34am'

"the fact that you are shocked by that means I need to take you away from your work more often" george scoffed, setting the mug back down and spinning back around in the chair and opening his laptop again to see the same forms open as before.

"my work is important." clay scoffed a bit, turning around and walking towards the couch where his phone sat. It was face down, but clay could already tell there were going to be messages and missed calls from who knows who.

he picked it up, the screen looking just like he had expected. He skimmed through everything briefly, nothing looking to important that couldn't wait until morning. Though one missed call did catch his eye, It was a name he hadn't seen in over two years.

Phil Watson. He was a crime lord who ran most of the underground crime in The United kingdom and other smaller countries on that side of the globe. He was a good friend of clays, but only the kind for business and big events. But somehow, clay always got drug into his family drama, including his wives.

Procellosa || DREAMNOTFOUND || MAFIA DNFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ