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genuinely, I want to thank every single person that has ever chosen to click on this book and read a new chapter. I personally, have been through a fuck ton while writing this fiction and I often put my own feelings and emotions into the characters which seemed to help me cope.

I would like to say that I did not write this book alone, I have a Co Author and several friends who helped out. I cannot even put into words how much these people have helped me through personal issues, they may not know it but some of them are the reason im still here.


This person is my co author, my person I come to when I cant make a choice, and overall the best, best friend anyone could ask for.

There is a character based off of them, distantly of course but the general idea is the same.
The character "Laura" who is known as kevins daughter, is an OC of mine that I based off of juice, Of course laura is only a fictional person that was created from thought and imagination, but the base of her came from Juice.

I couldn't have completed this book with out them. genuinely, I only started this book as a joke and I didnt plan on going through with it but here we are because they wanted to read it.

Thank you juice.


The idea of this book was originally going to be only storm chasers, and that idea came directly from bolt. They are a storm chaser and have been in dangerous situations with the weather, which is where i got "georges" personality from.

There is a character based off them as well, and again it is a distant build but the basic structure like appearance and personality are the same. This character is "Bolt" or better known as georges storm chasing partner, originally the two got caught in the tornado at the beginning of the book but later on we found out that bolt was really ryans sister as well.

This is another person i genuinely couldn't have completed this book without. The whole reason george is a storm chaser, the whole reason they met in a tornado that was deadly, the whole reason this book even exists, is because of them. They haven't read most of it yet because they were waiting until its finished so here we are.

Thank you Bolt.


There are other minor characters i used in this book that are OC's of mine and friends.


olivia, or better known as clays mother is actually based off a good friend of mine. She is genuinely one of the nicest people i have ever met, they have always been there for me no matter what the issue was.

Thank you liv.


Ivory, Clays daughter, is an original OC made directly by Juice. I got the conformation to use the character in my books and i love the fact that they created a Kid character. Originally this character was created for my other book "You Promised" and was used as technos daughter, but after a bit of thought we decided it would be better to use an OC we already have and use.

Thank you Juice.


Ryan, Mallory, Blue, and Eli are all also characters i created. they never went into much depth out side of this book, i plan on using them in other fictions and i hope that if you guys do decide to read another book of mine, that you will recognize them.


i would also like to thank spotify, for being there for me throughout this book and even through hard times and harder (when i got kicked off my friends premium plan), music was always there. I genuinely used a decent amount of songs to create chapters, whether that was taking lyrics straight from the artist or using the mood of the music to create emotions, it genuinely helped me as a writer in progress.


Thank you to everyone who has stuck out to the end of the book, thank you to everyone who ever commented or voted, thank you to people who have helped me out with opinions and thoughts, thank you to my friends for helping me write chapters.

With that ladies, gentlemen and everyone in between, that is a wrap.

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