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the blonde quickly looked around, seeing there was no one inside. kevin never learned that clay can escape anything, even if it hurts him like hell to do so.

"george is your neck okay" scars voice was urgent, but she and corpse were the only ones who could see his neck. the blood, it was turning black. the blade was poisoned. and when corpse and scar realized, they snapped to look at each other, sharing a worried glanced.

"what" george choked a bit but managed to see the blood on his neck, was not red.

clay looked up, seeing the chains weren't really that high, but it would still hurt like shit to fall from. his mother knew what he was about to do, its something that his father had done. and it paralyzed him, giving kevin all the opportunity to kill him.

"clay dont" she spat off her gag, saying the first thing she had the entire night. and she sounded scared, desperate.

"I dont have a choice" he looked back at her, locking eyes and she saw how scared, how desperate he was. and that's when she knew how much he cared about george, when she knew that he would lose everything for him.

"what are you doing" scar spoke quickly, seeing how worried her mother was made her worried as well.

"hes going to do the exact thing that got his father killed." her words were quiet, but it was enough for everyone to hear. and that's when techno and corpse knew what he was going to do.

"dont do it, you know its not worth the risk" techno tried to move his wrists again, he really didnt want to watch clay shatter his entire spine.

"we will find another way out" corpse pleaded, watching this happen to a second generation of the same family would be the last straw.

but clay didnt listen. he gripped the chains above his shackles, now being off the ground and slightly bending his knees. the grip he had around the metallic loops created a burning sensation in his palms, something that almost felt like rope burn but in a cold way.

"clay!" techno was trying to rock his chair free from the ground, the blonde was his best friend, and this was not worth the risk.

slowly, clay lifted himself farther up on the chains, getting farther and farther off the ground. he leveled out his body after he reached the highest point, making himself look like a plank. The way this was supposed to happen was if his body had enough force, enough gravity, it would rip the chains from the metal pole holding them.

but if he wasn't laying flat, if he didnt hit the ground just perfectly, it would shatter his spine. at first he wouldn't know, but everyone else would.

"its not to late" his mother begged, trying to get him to stop. she couldn't watch the same thing happen to her son that she did her husband.

clay was at the very top of the chains, holding himself parallel, the chains piling on his stomach. he inhaled and exhaled slowly, preparing himself for the pain he knew he was about to feel, and praying to anyone, to anything, that this wasn't going to kill him.

twenty feet in the air, clay let go. he fell with all his weight, holding the chains just around his wrists. time seemed to slow down, his body was still and firm, all his muscles flexed. his eyes were shut, trying to believe that this would work. but he didnt. With the sudden tug against the chains, they ripped from the bar that they were held on, and clay was on the ground.

he was still, and that's when everyone thought the worst. but the blonde flipped himself over, groaning in pain as he realized he was still alive, and not paralyzed.

"it is worth the risk" clay huffed as he slowly got onto his knee, and then pushed himself to his feet. he stood there, with shackles on his wrist that were now easy to get off, he quickly dislocated his thumbs with a little inhale, his muscles were used to it so it became easier each time he did it. the metal slid off his wrists and then he put his thumbs back into place, it only semi sore, but perfect comparing to the rest of his body.

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