irtythay ourfay

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scar has been begging to drive ever since she got her license so george let her do so, and truth be told she was a better driver than most people in new York.

she had called eli and told him that her brother wanted to see him, of course he freaked out at first but finally after a little convincing he agreed to go.

the three made it to clays building, both george and elis jaws on the floor. because seriously, no one knows how rich clay really is.

"Miss Huff" the butler man greeted scarlett as the three walked in and she smiled, waving at him as they past.

scar skipped up the stairs like clay had, of course she could only skip one or two max but eli and george still struggled to keep up. it wasn't until the three made it to the top floor that lily saw ash leaving the room.

he waved at her and smile, her smiling back.

"nice to see you again george" he smiled and twinkled his fingers as he past, george giving him a swift smile as he remembered who ash was.

scar pushed through the doors without knocking and was met with james smiling, looking at her a little confused but smiling.

"they are downstairs, first door on the left" james pointed towards the elevator and scarlett nodded, but then she spun around to see eli and georges mouths wide open and scanning the room.

the ceilings were at least fifteen feet high, the whole front wall was just windows staring down into the city from all to high up. the walls were either black or dark grey, the paintings were no doubtingly priceless with golden frames. the furniture was white with gold accents such as pillows or the legs, ash designs everything regarding decoration so you can imagine how stunning the penthouse was.

"james" james stood up and reached his hand out for a handshake, eli taking it firmly as he knew he had to make an impression.

george knew who james was but he felt the human decency to shake his hand. james nodded with a little smile, looking at scar who was now walking towards the elevator.

"you guys live here?" eli was still so absorbed in everything, seeing how expensive and rich everything looked.

"temporarily, we live in Arkansas technically but well you know, everything that's happening" james walked back over to his little open walled office on the left, having dozens of screens and different electronics coating the walls like a surveillance room.

"yeah" eli pursed his lips, his voice just above a whisper before the elevator bell rung and signaled scar was already inside and waiting for the two.

all three of them got into the elevator, going down at least a hundred floors due to their penthouse being on the at least eightieth floor, and who knows how far down the basement was. It took a couple minutes but they made it.

the doors opened to see a long, long concrete hallway that had dozens of doors on each side. first one on the left, scar remembered and started walking.

though, the three of their attentions were stolen when they looked through the little window things into the first door on the left.

it was like a gym, with machinery and weights lining the walls and body mirrors, punching bags and bench presses, but right in the middle there was a boxing ring. and right now, techno and nick were inside of it.

clay was standing outside of the ledged box, watching them with interest in his eyes. after all, these were his two right hand men. but when it came to fighting, techno was no match compared to nick.

the blonde glanced over towards the door and saw scar opening it, eli and george slowly coming in behind her.

"boyfriend bitch!" techno got off of nick who was still laying on the floor exhausted. he stood with his arms out, smiling with intent only nick and clay knew of.

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