entytway eethray

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clay gripped georges hair a little to hard, pushing his head farther and farther after every bob, until he felt he was hitting the back of georges throat. his piercing didnt seem to surprise george and it was amusing to the blonde, because george seemed to know him inside and out now. he didnt have to hide.

george was threatening to gag, swirling his tongue as much as he could as clay practically face fucked him. but he wasn't complaining, he hated to say it but he loved this. the feeling of being vulnerable, being used by someone as powerful as clay, it was a high he never wanted to loose.

"you're liking this aren't you? little. slut." clay chucked a little, the sick insult and taunting making george go crazy, making him do his hardest to make clay feel as much as he could.

the blondes words made george whimper and groan in pleasure, sending vibrations down clay which made his hips buck up slightly, making george go as far as possible down and pushing clay closer and closer.

"george~" clays voice was low and roaming, letting george know he was close, which was all george needed to know.

the brunette pushed himself down onto clay at a new speed, one that caught clay ever so off guard, making his grip on georges hair tighten. georges left hand was on clays hip, and his right on clays thigh. and in both spots, there were crescent shaped nail marks even through the fabric.

seconds, and clay slightly jolted his hips forward, coming deep in georges throat. the blonde held the others head on him for a moment, making george try to pull back but clay let go after a moment.

george reached for the dashboard, for a napkin of some sort, but clay refused to let it go to waste. his large veiny hand quickly gripped georges jaw, holding it shut and turning him to face him.

"swallow. it." clay had a slightly smirk as he pulled into the parking garage under georges building, his voice low and demanding which he knew would make george desperate, and it did. he swallowed it without another thought.

"you're pathetic" clay laughed a little, it being a genuine laugh and not some sadistic demanding one. he brought his left hand up from the seat and held the bridge of his nose, shaking his head with a large dorky smile on his face.

george smiled a bit, his throat aching and dry, but he didnt even try to speak because he knew his voice was already gone.

clay pulled his pants back on, fixing his belt and zipper and trying to wipe the dripping sweat off his forehead but was failing miserably.

"theres a fire escape outback, ill go through the lobby" georges voice was gone, like barley audible type of gone. he coughed a little and shook his head, a smile coating his lips as he watched clay start to smile again.

"better be there before me" clay scoffed and got out of the car, brushing off his shirt and parting off in a different direction as george, hopping up the stairwell that lead straight into the alley.

george took the elevator, praying to god no one would join him in the small space with his all to noticeable erection. and thankfully, no one did.

clay made it outback, seeing that the fire escape stairs had no ladder for two floors, making this a bit of a tricky situation. though, parkour was something he knew all to well.

he glanced around for a moment, seeing there was a large garbage bin he could use. and with that, he backed up, ran forward, jumped onto the trash can, pushed his right foot up against the wall, and leaped for the second floor fire escape platform. he grabbed it of course, hanging off of it but soon swinging a little bit and throwing himself higher, grabbing the railing and making it onto the platform without breaking a sweat. well, no new sweat.

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