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a few days passed, mallory hated the fact that someone was now after her and her daughter but she adored the protection the mafia was giving them. Laura was starting to somewhat lighten up, but clay could still see that double cross behind her eyes that the blonde knew all to well.

Everyone has been having to walk on egg shells around clay lately, even george was distant because with how everyone seemed around the blonde and with how ryan spoke about his temper, he did not want to find out first hand.

"you cannot expect me to just-" clay was cut off from the other side of the phone, the other person actually arguing back for once in clays life.

the blonde slammed the phone down on the desk, genuinely surprised it hadn't shattered in a hundred pieces. He sat in his make shift office, paperwork and random work related things scattered around him.

George sat in the kitchen, having been hanging around the mafia more because they were genuinely good people when they weren't pissed off. Though that's exactly what clay has been.

the only people in the room were george, ash, techno, and corpse. But that was more than enough to have conversations.

however everyone went silent and flinched a bit as they heard a loud slam from clays office, it not even the first one in the past hour. techno stood with his hands on the island counter, a glass beer half in one hand. Corpse was however at the island on a stool next to george as they tried to talk. He had a beer in his hand too, that one only being slightly drank after techno forced him to take one.

ash was spinning in james' chair, a colorful drink in his hand from that same cafe he always goes to. Though he looked more exhausted, and for ash that was a first.

everyone was tired, clay has barley slept and with how non sound proof these walls are, it's hard to ignore his arguing at the break of dawn. Clay has always been like this, but it's just been worse this time considering he now has a kid in the equation.

"it's like walking on fucking eggshells" corpse face palmed into the marble island, his arms catching him before he did any damage to his face. A loud sigh came from him, one that was enough for everyone in the room.

"it's niki being loose, as soon as we find her then it's back to normal" techno tried to reason, but it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself over the others.

"george you should do something" corpse lifted his head off of his arms only a little to quickly, techno and ash snapping to look at the brunette in hope because generally that was a good idea.

"wha- what?" george stuttered, shaking his head a bit in confusion and looking between techno and corpse for an answer.

"i don't know- but do something because the longer this goes on-" techno was cut off, a loud crash like sound coming from clays office which was more convincing to george than techno was being.

"what am i supposed to do? i can't exactly take him out for drinks or go for a walk in the park." george scoffed, his sarcasm showing a strong resemblance to ryan's and both techno and corpse recognizing it immediately.

it was silent for a moment, because in reality george was right. there really wasn't much he could do to help clay ease his nerves. then another, yet again, loud slam came from clays office and this one sounded more like he punched something.

"Fucking sleep with him if you have to" techno spoke a littler quieter just incase clay could hear them, but his words were enough to make george choke on air.

corpse actually tilted his head a bit in thought, the idea being the only one they had and one that might actually work.

the brunette immediately turned to look at ash and seeing the man choke on his drink and spin around to face away from everyone else.

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