eightyway ourfay

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everything seemed to be perfect. And to clay it almost felt too perfect.

The way his hands fit on georges hips, the way the two seemed to fit together like missing puzzle pieces. The brunette bellow him was loud, that was no surprise, and thank god the new house didnt have paper thin walls.

George loved this too. every word, every sin filled insult that fit perfectly inside of his perfect lips. Everything grazed his ears like they were meant to be said, meant to be used in a such manor that would scare others off.

clays right hand under georges lower back, holding the bottom at an arch for both of their better pleasures. They both knew doing this in a house with other people would be a risk, but somehow that made it all the more enjoyable. Knowing that any moment someone could knock on the door, at any moment someone could walk down the hallway and the two would be forced to freeze just incase they were being too loud.

"come on darling~ I know you're holding back" clay let out a snarky laugh, one that felt like an insult to george but that was exactly what he liked, and clay knew that.

"please- clay please-" george wasn't exactly sure what he was begging for, and considering his voice was near gone it didnt help. Clay laughed a bit, it wasn't one of humor but rather one that insulted george, one that said he wasn't sorry for what he had done to the man below him.

"please what? honey you cant just say please and not ask for something" clay loved teasing george, he loved how the brunette got flustered every time something went wrong for him. He loved how the brunette was so sensitive, how any little insult or comment could make him want to beg for more.

and hearing george beg? that was something clay didnt want to admit turned him on. hell, everything george did turned him on. There could be two dozen people in a room, all doing the same thing, wearing the same clothes, but george would be the only attractive one in there.

george could do everything differently, he could do it better. The clothes? he could wear them better, everything would fit on his perfectly imperfect curves that clay loved putting his hands on. He loved leaving little bruises, light red handprints that showed george was his and his only.

"please- let me-" george was finally able to get some form of words out, of course clay knew what the man was trying to ask but just to egg him on, he was playing dumb.

clays left hand however, teasing the one part of george that was irresistible. the blonde was refusing to let george cum until he himself was ready, but seeing how george was acting, it was clear the man couldn't hold out much longer.

even though both of their stomachs were knotting, even though they were both on that very edge no one can hold onto forever, clay was sure he could last longer.

after a few more then a few times, clay learned how george liked this to go. He knew that george was a sucker for degrading, he knew that george liked to feel used or like he was a toy in this kind of scenario. Clay would be lying if he said he didnt feel the same when he was with ryan, but he wanted nothing to do with ryan now or in the future.

the sounds of their course breathing, the sounds of skin slapping amongst each others, georges pathetic sounds that made everything better, this was perfect. But for the first time since they had met, clay was getting sloppy and george knew it.

every thrust, every noise that resembled a grunt, his hands starting to shake more and more and loosing their grip on the very person he was trying to outlast. Then as if nothing else mattered, he came. george let out a sickening laugh, coming at the same time but just enjoying that feeling inside him where he knew he outlasted clay. Even if it was the blonde not letting him, he still lasted longer.

They had tried showering once before but finally ended up on the overly large daybed/sofa that rested on the other side of clays room. After showering, for real this time, the time was later then they had thought and ended up being somewhere around ten pm.

See now neither of them had great sleep schedules but somehow, this was a bit early for the both of them. Though considering recent events, they were both more tired then shit and practically fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows.

clay had his left arm wrapped around georges torso, pulling the man into his body with a force that made them feel like the only people in the world. The brunette could fall asleep anywhere, in any chair or bed, as long as clay was there. Neither of them knew what it was, neither of them knew how perfect they were together, and at times it almost seemed too perfect, but they tried to ignore that.

Who would have thought, a storm chaser who had no crime on his record, and a mafia boss known best for how ruthless he is? all because of a storm. All because of an unexplainable tornado, one that was incredibly large and deadly. A tornado that killed hundreds of people and would have killed george if that one black SUV didnt pull over.

clay thought about that a lot. He imagined that if he hadn't pulled over to save george, or if he had dropped him off at the hospital instead, and in both scenarios george would be dead. Clay would probably still have his alarmingly scary temper, clay wouldn't have ever connected with his siter and mother after seven years. Clay wouldn't have ever met his daughter. Clay wouldn't have gotten the divorce papers signed.

Nick wouldn't have met karl, techno wouldn't have met laura and that in return wouldn't have brought ivory and Mallory into the picture.

Its crazy really. How much one person can change a group of peoples lives. Clay is better off, hes happier and safer. Nick and techno met possibly the only two people who aren't scared of them for what they do.

and it was all because,

Clay pulled over to help someone in need.

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