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clay drove, making it to the school in a matter of minutes. techno and scar had made small talk, eli sitting there with his eyes glued to his phone as everyone tried to make the air less thick.

the car emptied out first, the school of course being empty due to it being Saturday. though, the auditorium was in fact not empty. there were some police officers, either scanning the area or cleaning up.

everyone entered through the same door as yesterday, instead of going into the main theater, they went to a different room that looked like a normal classroom.

clay, techno, and nick looked around in awe. there were lockers lining the wall, each one customized to the person who owns it. Elis was a mixture of just lightning, it was nothing special. and same goes for scars, her was a plain crimson red with black gashes on it almost like tree bark.

scar and eli quickly went for their lockers, the three just roaming the room with curiosity in their eyes. Though, nick found a violin and thought he could try after years.

techno side eyed him as the deep red head slowly lifted the instrument out of the case, holding it up to his neck and pushing the stick like bow acrost it slowly.

A violin is one of those instruments that you suck at unless you are a professional. It doesn't sound good, unless you have spent years practicing it.

everyone snapped their visions to nick in shock as he slowly pushed it back up, making a sound that one could only describe as angelic.

clay looked like he was about to say something but before anyone could react, the door opened and revealed a familiar detective standing there.

"what are you guys doing here" he sighed as he shut the door behind him, looking at clay in curiosity.

the blonde gave a sassy hum and turned away, ignoring wilbur and anything he had to do here. though, scar plugged her guitar into the amp and turned the volume rather low so it was barley audible throughout the room.

nick started playing once more and scar played along, making a decent tune that made clay smile a bit. But, almost as if on cue eli joined in with a low saxophone tone. It was like a band was being formed, and wilbur fucking loved it.

techno shook his head in a stupid shock, enjoying this but finding it so random because it was literally out of nowhere.

clay laughed a little as scar made a dramatic face towards him, showing exhausted despite her being happier and more energetic than she has been in a while.


its been a few hours, the sun was already starting to set at the group left a large restaurant. Earlier in the day laura had joined the travel. making it clay, scar, eli, techno, laura, and nick.

"okay you two stay here." techno looked at eli and scar sternly, the two children a little confused until they watched clay reach through their car window and pull out a metal like brief case.

the four adults pushed through the lobby, few cameras pointed at them for once. it didnt take long for them to make it up to blues club. The women greeted them as they entered, everyone immediately parting off for their desired spots.

clay and blue jogged up the stairs, blue was wearing a baby blue leather like dress, it was very low cut and barley covered any of her chest. though, this one was longer than the one she previously wore. it fell about half way down her thighs.

they pushed through the door, making it into her office with ease.

clay set the brief case down and revealed all the little baggies that he called his own. Blue ran her hand through them, almost admiring them like it was a child. She reached into her desk and pulled out an all to familiar blue envelope.

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