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today marks four weeks, a total of one month, twenty eight days.

both clay and george were still comatose. clays mother had stopped coming around as often, but scar, scar was by his side almost every hour of every day. the few times she wasn't, the two nights of the week she was home, was to change and shower. she was barley eating, barley moving. all she did was stare at the knife in her hand, spinning the ring around her fingers until it would leave little circles around them.

she had thought of everything, clay had been taken off the medication, but he wasn't waking up. doctors said its often something sensory that wakes the person up, that it reminds the person and shocks them back into reality. and she had tried everything, she knew he wouldn't wake up to pain, she spoke to him every day, she even put the blade in his hand, pushing his fingers around the handle. nothing.

she knew george could wake him up, but george was just as comatose as well. Bolt and laura had been distanced with her, giving her weird looks, avoiding anything to do with talking to her. and it was getting so annoying to the point that next time they went out of their way to ignore her, she would say something.

scar has practically given up on schooling, she tried to go one day and was immediately pulled out by police. every friend she had, is now gone. eli was missing, literally missing. in some ways, scar wished she never saw clay again, she wished her life in new York could have kept going on like she wasn't related to the mafia at all.

she was fed up, within thirty days, her like has fallen apart. all she wanted was for everything to go back to normal, and her coping with this, her coping would be music. but no one will let her into the school to get her guitar. electric guitar specifically.

nick had finally managed to stay awake for a couple days, they think hes finally out of the dark. well, medically wise. as soon as the doctors clear him, hes joining techno and corpse.

after a month, corpse has spent a full week in the infirmary, techno only a couple days. As the corrupt police beat down on them, corpse got tired of letting it happen, so he started fighting back. but that just made it worse for him. techno, techno let it happen. he knew it was going to happen either way so he took the easy way out.

no one asked what was happening to them, because they all already knew. every single prisoner almost felt bad, they almost wanted to step in. almost.

"we dont know what you fucking want, just please!" techno pleaded as he was on the ground, barley able to move as he watched corpse get beat to the point he was coughing up blood. to the point where his eyes looked like they were going to fall out, to the point of no return.

"this is what we want blood." one of the guards cackled, his laugh echoing in the large and empty shower room, the one techno and corpse were most often drug into, the middle of the night, ripped from their beds. and no one stopped it, no one stepped in.

"your going to fucking kill him!" techno tried to push himself off the ground as he watched corpse cough up more and more blood, there was no way his ribs weren't Absolutley shattered.

"not yet pretty boy, not yet" the guards laughed and walked out, leaving the two men there, bleeding and in pain until someone found them In the morning. it was routine, techno would manage to crawl over to corpse, get him onto his stomach and side so he wouldn't choke to death on his own blood, and they would lay there. sometimes in silence, sometimes they would plot murder for the guards, and other times, they would just smile, thinking about memories that genuinely made them happy.

"scarlett?" a voice erupted from the doorway, causing the girl to snap up in response.

but to her surprise, it was eli.

"I picked something up for you" the brunette took off his bag and revealed there was a stick like thing sticking out of the bag, it was the top of a guitar.

"you really didnt have to" scar didnt really move, she didnt know if eli was still scared of her or not.

"I saw you at school the other day, I knew you were probably there to get it from the music room" eli gestured the bag towards scar and she took it gracefully. the bag was a handmade, tote like bag, however it was really deep and the insides were softer. it was scarletts bag.

scar opened it and saw it had everything, the guitar, the amp, the cords, the loop pedal, her pick, everything was in it that she needed. he knew exactly what she needed.

"eli-" scar started and set the bag down on the foot of clays bed, causing eli to look at the blonde who was still laying there, comatose.

"is he okay" eli didnt move his eyes off of clay, staring at the newer and older scars, the iv that was profusely hooked up to his arm.

scar slowly looked over at her brother and shut her eyes.

"he shattered his spine saving us. they said they dont know when, or if he will wake up" scar turned her head back to eli and he was already looking at her, his vision was fogged. scarlett could see an array of hurt, fear, confusion. and it hurt her seeing someone she cared so deeply about be this scared.

"he would have killed himself to save you, you and everyone else in the room." elis voice was breaking, like he felt bad for her.

"doctors are thinking he did." scarlett turned around and reached back down for the bag. pulling out the power cord and amp, plugging them in to the wall and resting the amp right on the foot of clays bed.

"does that make you, the-" eli started speaking again, but he didnt finish his sentence, hoping scar knew exactly what he was talking about.

"yeah. yeah it does" she stared down at her guitar as she slid the cables into it, making sure the volume was at the lowest it could go.

scar refused to made eye contact with him, knowing he was probably horrified only made her scared for herself.

"red, look at me" elis voice was calming, his hand meeting the side of her face,

"you are still the same person I met all those years ago, the same person I asked out six months ago today, the same person who cares so much about people that she cant watch them get hurt." his words were smooth, scar melting into his touch, but he was only half right. she was the same person a month ago, but now. she was the mafia leader of the most brutal mafia in America. and with it slowly falling apart, she has had to defend herself In ways no one could express.

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