eventysay evensay

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Its been a few weeks, george was able to get back to normal after not only having sex with his boyfriend and his boyfriends ex husband, but also after the incident with his parents.

The original plan was for ivory and Mallory to find somewhere safe and change their last name, but after people keep finding out more and more about them, clay hated to say that he decided they need to stay close. Which just meant ivory had to grow up in this life, she would be in danger no matter where she was.

Because clay has pissed a lot of people off, and a good percentage of the population want him dead. It could be a random civilian, it could be a teacher, anybody could put ivory in harms way and that's what scared clay.

Since ryan moved out of clays safe house, it left the cottage like home unoccupied and generally close to the city. Mallory had already started decorating it, cursing clay for leaving it so naked but the blonde was never one for décor.

Clay and nick helped move a couch in from outside, ivory sitting on it and laughing like crazy which was just making everyone else smile. She sat in the middle of the golden colored sofa, Mallory following rather close just incase the child lost her balance or fell off.

So far Mallory hasn't left ivory's side since she has been in new York, she needs to go back to their old house and clean everything out but she doesn't want to travel with the child incase of something happening. Because even she knew what this meant for her, it meant she will never have the child hood like any other kid, it meant that she will have to have someone with her at all times until she can protect herself like scar.

But Mallory refuses to leave ivory with any baby sitter or friend, she wants to ask clay because she knows he would keep her safe and she knows they need to start bonding. Which hasn't really been happening lately considering Niki still, on the loose.

the mafia has started to think she dropped off the grid in fear, or is trying to start a normal life away from everything. The government has their best people looking for her, while james occasionally scans the internet and webs for her but neither have come up with remotely anything.

She had the money, she had the means, it wouldn't be that hard to drop off any sort of radars and just live in a different country that doesn't know her as their governor.

"dont fall-" clay spoke in a barely audible tone, him and nick slowly lowering the couch and ivory giggling too much to hold her balance. But thankfully, the couch hit the ground soon enough for the child to fall into clays arms.

he smiled, laughing a bit as her laugh lit up the room and was practically contagious. The blonde went to set her back on her feet, and as soon as he did so the girl spun around and looked at nick as if he had done something.

There was genuine fear in nicks eyes, sure she was just a three almost four year old but when she stops laughing, barely smiling, something is wrong.

"ivory-" nick began but the child already started running at him. It wasn't very fast but it was enough to make him take a step back before he saw her start to smile again.

She was just a child, but she knew more than she should have. She probably didnt know exactly what clay and nick did, but she somehow knew that they fought other people. So the smile that rose on clays face when he saw her raise her arms like she was going to punch nick, though she could only hit his lower thighs.

nick hunched over a bit, holding his hands; palms out so he could stop her from hitting him but she swung anyway. Her form was no where near good but again she was a literal toddler. clay couldn't stop himself from laughing a bit, watching as ivory swung over and over at nick until the man gripped both of her wrists and spun her around so her arms were crossed over her chest and holding her in his grasp.

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