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ryan helped clay out of the car, practically dragging the blonde across the street until he ultimately decided on carrying him. So he walked much quicker, clay being held bridal style in his arms as he was falling asleep.

the blue haired man pushed open the door, setting clay down only to watch him kick off his shoes and B line directly for the bedroom as if this was his house. well, the house he lived in.

ryan shook his head in disbelief, shutting the door behind him and dropping something in the process. he reached down to pick up clays necklace, hearing something that sounded like there was metal against it. so he shook it once more, hearing that same clanking sound. there was something inside of the cross.

it was relatively small, it really couldn't hold anything ginormous. but as ryan messed with it, twisting the top off and watching something fall to the ground. he was put into ice when he picked it up and saw what it was.

clays wedding ring. It was simple silver, considering who clay and ryan were. they had decided on something tiny and almost unnoticeable, but on the inner ring there were engravings. it had the date they got married, and something that the ring wearer wanted to put there about the other person, but the trick was neither of them got to look at what each others said.

and here ryan was, staring at the engraving that said the date they got married, and right next to it said, 'my home' It was awfully cheesy, but knowing clay genuinely wrote that without any influence, it really showed how bad he screwed up between the both of them.

ryan dropped the folder and cross pieces onto the table, holding the ring in his hand as he slowly walked into the bedroom. his eyes were locked on the ring, re reading those same two words like he refused to believe clay wrote it.

"you- kept it?" he looked up and saw the blonde was under the silk sheets, his pants carelessly kicked off to the side and signaling he was only in his boxers.

"i never stopped- caryingggg it arooound~" he looked at ryan with a cheesy smile, the blue haired man confused and flustered.

he knew clay was drunk AND drugged, but he also knew that drunks dont lie. they simply go off of what they know, the truth that they have tried to keep hidden.

clay reached his hands out for ryan, like he wanted something. it was a childish gesture, but ryan complied. he walked closer and closer until clay snatched the ring out of his hand. ryan flinched to grab it back at first, but then he stood in shock as clay slid it back onto his ring finger. it still fit, it still looked all to perfect around his finger for it to be alright.

ryan was frozen in place, clay looking at him confused until the blue haired man stepped forward once more.

"im cold" clay huffed, his words not slurred but more dramatic. Ryan shook his head, his jaw still open due to how Absolutley shocked he was to see that clay both always had the ring, and that he was wearing it right now.

"you are wearing almost nothing, and under a think silk blanket. id assume so" ryan shook his head and turned around, starting to walk away before he felt a hand at his arm.

out of reflex he spun around and gripped it tightly, clay standing there with a face that visibly said 'ow' before ryan let him go. clay reached his arm out again, this time ryan accepting it and the blonde interlocking their fingers.

the feeling was so weird, so very weird that ryan was more confused over anything. him and clay were never that cute couple, they were never gentle or soft like clay was being right now, they were rough and mean to each other. so you can imagine how shocked ryan was when clay did interlock their fingers and pull him towards the bed.

"what are you-" ryan began but clay shushed him, laying back into bed and pulling ryan with him. the blue haired man stumbled onto the soft bed, already wearing sweats and a t shirt from previously being half asleep when the women called.

ryan knew it was wrong, he knew clay wanted nothing to do with him and now the blonde was drugged, and trying to get ryan in bed with him. but the blue haired man didnt resist, he laid down onto the bed with clay, he made sure he wouldn't do anything or let clay do anything. just wait until clay fell asleep and then he would get out of bed.

but clay had other plans. he laid snuggled next to ryan, a very new feeling for both of them. ryan was laying on his back, clay with his legs sprawled out in a different direction with his head on ryans chest.

the blue haired man started to feel clay fall asleep, and honestly he was starting to, too. but, that was not the case when he felt a hand at his waistband in an attempt to get into his pants.

ryan immediately grabbed clays hand from under the sheets, looking down at the blonde who had a goofy smile mixed with a smirk on his face. he attempted to pull his hand away but ryan didnt let him.

"No." the blue haired man spoke sternly, simple enough where clay understood and dramatically frowned. his hand went loose and fell back onto the bed next to ryan.

a couple minutes passed, yet again ryan thought clay was starting to fall asleep but he was miserably mistaken when clays hand was found at ryans waistband once more. but the blonde moved so quickly, to the point where ryan couldn't catch his hand and inhaled quickly as clays cold hand snaked around his dick.

that was enough to make ryan hard, him so touch deprived and desperate that even the slight touch of clay gave him an erection. though he went to reach for clays arm, the blonde started stroking slowly which made ryans heart pitter patter and his breathing practically gone as his eyes rolled back in his head.

"ssseee" clay spoke quietly, his slur reminding ryan of how messed up clay really was. the blue haired man attempted to re gain his balance, pushing his elbows under his body so he could look up at clay once more but in attempt, clay managed to pull ryans sweats and boxers down just enough for his dick to spring against his stomach.

the blue haired man really tried to push clay away, he really did. but when the blonde used one of his hands to falsely pin ryans hands at his side, with half force which was still easy for ryan to escape, he stopped resisting.

he knew clay was going to be pissed at him in the morning, he knew that no matter how he explained what happened, that the blonde would be extremely angry and would probably break his nose.

so he broke his hands away from clays grasp, going to push clay away until he felt the blondes mouth around his tip.

"god- this isn't-" ryan tried to speak but clay had already started bobbing. his tongue teased the piercing, flicking just the right spots to make ryan shutter in pleasure as he was getting all to close.

"clay-" ryan tried to warn the blonde once more, and with both of ryans hands gripping the bed sheets to his sides, clay did something that not even ryan could imagine.

he pushed himself all the way down on ryans dick, swallowing with his mouth open and holding it there while he knew it would make ryan cum. and so he did, both extremely out of breathe and clay coughing slightly despite that metal piercing of ryans scratching the backs of his throat one to many times.

ryan shook his head in disbelief, pulling his pants back up as quickly as he could. somehow clay seemed content with himself, starting to actually fall asleep with his head resting against ryans stomach.

"what did I do" he face palmed, looking up at the ceilings with pain as he knew how mad clay really would be.

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