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Clay decided that it would be best if Mallory and Ivory stayed with the mafia for a few days just until everything cools over, he made sure they weren't in the light of any media or press.

As they pulled into the garage, the group immediately going for the secret elevator instead of the public one just to avoid the fame of the cameras. Everyone had kind of moved past the fact that clay had a kid, because honestly it didn't surprise any of them anymore.

they made it to the top floor, clay walking in front as he practically leaded the large group. He pushed the doors open, being greeted with james, ash, nick and corpse all looking very worried in the kitchen.

clay brushed them off, telling them about how everyone was okay. But the four were confused over the strange women and child in the room.

until clay stood in the kitchen, everyone looking at him in a mixture of question and waiting for instructions of some kind.

"no one finds out about them okay?" clays voice was a little shaky, but he directed his words towards his mafia, towards his family, towards george. the entirety of the room nodded, people starting to part off because it was so late and the group was tired.

ash ended up giving mallory and ivory one of the guest bedrooms, it already being fully decorated and filled with anything the two could need. It was awkward at first, clay had never seen his child before and now she was living a few bedrooms down from his, it was a lot to adjust to, just saying the least.

finally at around midnight, clay found himself standing in the bathroom and staring into the mirror as he looked at his torn body. He was twenty three, just barley above drinking age, and his life has already been completely changed.

he has a kid, he has a boyfriend, he has an ex husband, he has his own mafia for fucks sake. but for some reason, everything was just perfect.

he heard a hand at the doorknob, him immediately flinching for his shirt until he saw it was just george. he still tried to put his shirt back on, but george's little hands stopped him. the brunette decided it best to crash at clays house, considering it was already past midnight.

they had already showered, clay still having damp hair because of how curly it really was. the blonde smiled a bit as george came closer, wrapping his arms around his waist and squeezing a bit.

clay hesitantly brought his arms around george's back, still not being used to such a soft relationship. there wasn't much said but george laughing a bit and clay scoffing. though somehow within seconds the two were under the silky bed sheets on clays bed.

clay was laying on his back, one arm stretched behind his head and under the pillow while the other laid limply on his stomach. george was curled up in a half ball, facing clay.

his eyes scanned the blondes body, somehow every time he looks he finds a new mark or scar to look at. clay felt him staring but he didn't say anything, just gently pulling the sheet up so it covered most of his torso and down.

george frowned, gently reaching his arm out and grabbing clays side as if it would bring the blonde his way. clay felt the soft skin gripping his own, turning his head to see george looking at him with puppy dog eyes. clay smiled, bringing his arm from behind his pillow and reaching over to george.

he wrapped his arm around the brunettes lower back, gently pulling him into his own body until the two were practically tied together with their arms and legs. It took a moment to get comfortable but eventually clay was on his back with george practically sprawled out on him with both of his arms squeezed around clays waist/torso area.

"i love you" george's words were a mumble, clay knew he was half asleep and he barley heard it but he did. Sure they had said it before, but they had honestly just met. This time, this time was different.

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