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something about him made his stomach turn. and it was inevitable.

clay was bouncing his head, looking at the road and into the mirrors, his right hand on the wheel and his fingers thumping to a song of some sort. his left hand was resting on the door, that little ledge where the door ends and the window starts.

for clay, it was a normal car drive home, but for george, the whole space was filled with a tension. a feeling that he couldn't push away, an urge that he was trying his hardest not to act on.

the brunette adjusted the way he was sitting, pulling his legs up to his chest for both comfort and to hide. clay noticed this, a little smile peeking at the corner of his lips.

"you sure you dont want anything to eat?" clay spoke again, this time his voice was lower, it seemed to echo in georges head.

the blonde smirked a little bit, keeping his eyes on the road, but adjusting his sitting position so his legs were farther down the seat and his back was sunk a little bit.

"yeah- im sure" george visibly gulped, trying to keep his vision away from the masculine man next to him.

the air seemed to change in that instant, clay had started driving slightly slower, georges thoughts were racing, and both their breathing was speeding up. the cars heat was off, but it felt like they were standing in the middle of a desert, at least for george it did.

clay was more calm, sitting there like nothing was wrong, because he knew george wouldn't do anything. the brunette was to shy to do anything-

"george-" clay stuttered a little bit as he felt georges hands on his belt buckle.

the blonde only swerved a little as he scrambled back and forth from the road and georges hands that unbuckled his belt all to fast. clays heart seemed to start beating a hundred times faster, his face heated up and suddenly he felt the same Sahara desert weather as george had.

"its dangerous- what if I crash" clay sounded like he was doubting himself, and his deep intimidating voice had somewhat disappeared and that made george very happy. it made george proud that he knew clay was nervous around him.

"since when have you cared about dangerous" george laughed a little as his hands fumbled with clays zipper, slowly unzipping it to tease the blonde.

clay looked from the road, then to george, seeing his eyes lock with his own. something about that turned the blonde on, but he didnt know why.

"if I crash its your fault" the blonde mumbled as georges hands moved awfully slow.

clays jaw was flexed, him biting his tongue from the little things that george did. the blondes thoughts were racing, they went all over from what if he crashes, to the other things. he thought about his hands on george, about his hands holding bunches of the brunettes hair. he thought about how easy it would be for him to just pull over right now on the side of the highway, and rail the fuck out of george.

the blonde watched george from the corner of his eyes, seeing his hands purposely going as slow as possible. which just made clay impatient, it made his stomach knot with the thoughts from only moments ago.

"darling~" clay regained his temper, his low ebon voice coming out like a hum into georges ears. it flicked off his tongue, falling right down into his lap where georges hands were moving all to slow for both of their likings.

george got the hint, his thoughts freezing with the nickname. no matter how many times he tried to get the confidence he just had back, it was gone. and he was just as submissive as he was all those days ago, in clays room.

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