Chapter 4

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(Y/n)'s POV

We were in class, even though there was a lot of people from the media, I was able to sneak away from them.  My mom did tell me that one of her friends who's name is Yuffie that she is a sneaky ninja and she steals any kind of Materia, but she taught me a few things from Yuffie is that stealthy, you have to be quiet and not make a sound at all.  Even though I never told my mom what is inside of my locket or tell her about what happened yesterday, when I was finished with my test.

  I didn't want her to know that I something is wrong or I don't find out the truth of whatever is going on.  So, I never told her about it.  Once I was able to sneak inside of UA, I just headed to class, so none of the reporters spotted me.  I ran into Mr. Aizawa and he noticed me sneak into UA, "I'm so sorry Mr. Aizawa, I just didn't want to get spotted by them." I said to Mr. Aizawa.  Mr. Aizawa just tells me, "Go to class, (l/n). I understand that you don't want to be part of them." Mr. Aizawa said to me.  I just nod my head at him before I start heading towards to class.

Once I got to class, I started to relax and get to my desk, I noticed Momo there by her desk before I start walking towards her, "Hey Momo." I said to Momo.  Momo looks up to see me walking towards her, she gives me a small smile on her face before she waves back at me, "I'm so tired from answering those questions at the reporters." Momo said to me.  I just give her a small smile on her face before telling her, "Sorry, you have to go through that Momo. It must've been annoying." I said to Momo.  Momo just nods her head at me before she asks me, "So what they asks you?" Momo asks me.

I just look down a bit before looking back up at Momo before telling her, "Well, I had to sneak in without getting caught by those reporters. So, it was a good thing that my mom was able to remember some stuff from one of her friends that knows how to sneak in." I said to Momo.  Momo looks at me before asks me, "(Y/n), did you get in trouble by anyone?" Momo asks me.  I shake my head at Momo before telling her, "Mr. Aizawa saw me sneaking in, but he didn't get mad at me, he only told to go to class. I guess he understands that some of us don't want to be answering those questions." I said to Momo.

Momo just gives me smile on her face before she tells me, "(Y/n), you are one smart girl." Momo said to me.  I just blushed at her comment before telling her, "C'mon Momo, I am not that good. I know my mom taught me a few tricks from her old friends, but I would never be good as them.  The only thing that I am good at is using my fists, legs, and my sword." I said to Momo.  Momo gives me a soft smile on her face before she tells me, "But that's who you are you, (Y/n). You're really skill with those movements." Momo said to me.

I give a smile back to Momo before giving her a hug, "I'm so glad that I met you at the exams." I said to Momo.  Momo returns my hug before she tells me, "Me too, I really glad that I met you as well." Momo said to me.  Me and Momo pulled away from each other before we start to sit in class and waiting for Mr. Aizawa to come to class.

Luckily, he did come to class and he starts talking about how almost all of us did on the tests yesterday, but it was mostly Bakugo and Midoriya.  Mr. Aizawa starts talking to all of us about how we need to pick a class representative.  Almost everyone just sigh in relief, but only me, Momo, and I guess Todoroki didn't really say anything, but focus on Mr. Aizawa.  I noticed Kirishima start to get up from his desk before he yells out, "Pick me, guys! I wanna be class rep!" Kirishima yells out to everyone.

Kaminari starts to speak up as well, "I'll take it!" Kaminari yells out.  A girl with short purple hair that her ears have two plugs on each side on there.  I find out her name is Jiro and she has her hand up as well, "Yeah, you're gonna need me." Jiro said to Mr. Aizawa.  Almost everyone was speaking out, but that's when Iida yells out to everyone, "Silence, everyone, please!" Iida yells out to everyone.  Everyone was quiet before Iida starts to talking to everyone, "The class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically." Iida said to all of us.

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