Chapter 19

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was eating bread while also sharing a piece of my bread to Shoto. Shoto was looking at the guy who was in the same year as were in. Shoto looks back up at the boy, "Hey. You with the collar. Did I offend you somehow?" Shoto asks the boy. Shoto was walking towards the boy, I was following Shoto. The boy glares at Shoto, but I noticed the boy's eyes look so intense towards to Shoto, I grab Shoto's arm. The boy looks at Shoto before he starts talking to Shoto, "Oh, no, I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings? Well, the thing is, son of Endeavor..." The boy says to Shoto.

Shoto gasps at this before I let go of Shoto's arm, "I just can't help but hate both of you." The boy says to Shoto. I pointed my finger at the boy, "Listen here! Whatever happen between you and him in the past, he's changed. You don't get to say that to him." I said to the boy. Shoto grabs my arm to make sure that I didn't do anything stupid, "She's not lying though, you've changed a little bit since the first time our paths crossed. But you definitely still have your father's eyes." The boy says to Shoto. Shoto gasps at this, I looked at the boy with an angry look in my eyes, "Leave him alone." I said to the boy. Shoto was still holding my arm to make sure that I don't start any fights.

A voice starts talking to the boy, "Something wrong, Yoarashi?" The boy with long hair asks the boy whose name is Yoarashi. Yoarashi looks at the boy with long hair before he yells out, "Nope, not a thing, sir!" Yoarashi yells out to the boy with long hair. Once Yoarashi was gone, I glanced at Shoto to see him look in shock a bit, "Shoto...? Are you okay?" I ask Shoto. Shoto looks at me before he touches his left eye, "My father's eyes?" Shoto asks himself. I touched his hand that was holding his left eye before I pulled his hand away from his eye. I touched his left eye before telling him, "Don't listen to him. You have amazing eyes; you are not your father. Hell, I don't even look like my own father. I got my looks from my mom. You look really handsome. I love you of who you are." I said to Shoto.

Shoto touches my hand that was touching his left eye, "We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder, we belong to the sound of the words, we've both fallen under. Whatever we deny or embrace, for worse or for better, we belong, we belong, we belong together." I sing a little song to Shoto to at least help him calm down or make him cheer up a bit. Shoto was in shock to hear my singing, "(Y/n), you never told me that you could sing." Shoto said to me. I felt my face blush from this, "Y-You never asked me. I hardly sing." I said to Shoto.

Author's note: If anyone what's to know whoever sings that song or what to know more about those lines from that little song. It's called "We Belong" and it was sung by Everly. I will put the video in here.

Author's note: It's only a few words, so you guys don't to listen to the whole song.

Shoto gives me a small smile on his face, but before we could say anything towards to each other, we hear a bell ringing. We look back at the big screen to hear Mera giving all of us a backstory of the villain attacks. The match begins now, so we took off running to do this rescue mission. I was making sure my sword was behind my back, we hear Hagakure yells out to me and Shoto, "Todoroki! Tsyuyu! (L/n)! Over here!" Hagakure yells out to us. We noticed a boy who was doing training, he only pretends to fake drowning.

Shoto looks at me and Hagakure before he tells us, "We might need to warm the boy up. Let's gather firewood." Shoto said to us. The three of us had to get wood. We were able to get some wood, but we heard a noise. Turns out it was a fake villain that was trying to get all of us, "We still have a lot of bystanders to rescue. But we can't just ignore the villains." Tsu said to us. Shoto just says to Tsu, "I know." Shoto said to Tsu. I looked at Shoto before I ask him, "You're thinking of going there by yourself?" I asks Shoto. Shoto shakes his head at me before he tells me, "I want you, by myside." Shoto said to me.

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