Chapter 7

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Shoto's POV

I was trying to walk back to the waiting room, but I had to run into my old man, "What's the matter? Not gonna tell me to get lost?" My old man asks me.  My old man kept talking to me, "You need to learn to control your left side. It's dangerous to release so much energy like that." My old man said to me.  He was quiet till he speaks up again, "But I'm glad you're finally seeing reason. Now that you've abandoned your childish rebellion, we can get back to what's important." My old man said to me.

My old man has his hand out towards to me with a big smirk on his face before he tells me, "After you graduate, you'll work by my side. I'll lead you down the path of the mighty, Shoto." My old man said to me.  I start talking to my old man, "I haven't abandoned anything." I said to my old man.  My old man's face changed into a shock look on his face, but I brought my left hand, so I could look at my left hand, "You're a fool to think my feelings could be so easily reversed." I said to my old man.  I was quiet till I told him, "Instead... Out there...  For that one moment... I forgot all about you." I said to my old man.

My old man was in shock of this again before I start walking away from him, "Whether that's good or bad, whether it's the right thing to do, I don't know. Maybe I don't need you." I said to my old man.  But I stop walking for a bit before I told my old man, "I know, what you did to Lockhart's daughter. Stay the hell away from her." I said to my old man with a serious tone in my voice.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was able to beat that girl with long green hair that she is able to control her hair.  It was a little hard, but I was able to beat her with my sword, but I was able to learn a move that my father has, but all of that training I did with myself, I was able to do Cross-Slash.  I was happy that I was able to do it.  Once my match was over, I went to the waiting room, but I noticed Tifa was walking towards me to me, "Hey mom." I said to my mom.  Mom smiles at me before she tells me, "Hey sweetie." Mom said to me.  Mom looks at me before she tells me, "You learn the second move that your father did." Mom said to me.  I just nod my head at her before telling her, "Yeah from that training from 2 weeks ago really pay off really well." I said to my mom.

Mom smiles at me before she gives me a hug, "I can't believe my little girl is getting closer to finishing up the rounds." Mom said to me.  I just chuckled at her before giving my mom a hug, "Yeah, even I don't win. I'm just glad that I got you and everyone from UA who is cheering me on." I said to my mom.  Mom smiles at me before we start heading back to our seats, so we could watch the next match between Iida and Todoroki.  Once the match started.  Todoroki used his ice Quirk to block Iida, but Iida was dodging Todoroki's attacks.  Iida was able to land a hit on Todoroki.  Todoroki was on the floor now, but Iida grab the back of Todoroki's school gym uniform before Iida used his Quirk to get Todoroki out of the bounds.

Iida stop running, but that's when I noticed that Iida's Quirk was frozen in by Todoroki's ice Quirk.  Todoroki used his ice Quirk to freeze Iida up, but only leaving his head unfrozen.  Me and my mom smile at this before I realize that I have to battle Todoroki next, "I guess that I am going to battle Todoroki, when Bakugo and Tokoyami are done." I said to myself.  Mom pats my back before she tells me, "Remember honey, you try your very best that's all it matters." Mom said to me.  I smiled at my mom before giving her a hug, "Thanks mom. And I will try my best out there." I said to my mom.

Little time skip still (Y/n)'s POV

Once the match was over between Bakugo and Tokoyami.  I start heading towards the hallway, so I could get ready to fight Todoroki, "I got this. I am Cloud's Strife's daughter!" I yelled out to myself.  I made sure that I rest a little bit, so I could at least restore my materia and also my health as well.  But I got back up and start heading out to the arena.  The fire was lit up and I was walking on the battle arena, and I looked straight ahead and it was Todoroki.  I sigh at this before I touch my sword's handle and once Present Mic yell out go to us.

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