Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s POV

School was back and I started to get ready, but not forgetting to wear a raincoat, so I don't catch a cool in the cold rain and also, I didn't want my UA uniform to get wet from the rain. Once I got to school, I throw away the raincoat because I think the weather will clear up. I got to my class and see everyone in here. I noticed Momo and Jiro were talking to each other, so I head over there to chat with them. We were chatting and giggling a bit before we heard almost everyone talking about the sports festival. Momo and Jiro were still graduating me for getting third place, even though I wasn't fully myself and only battle for a little bit and the other half, I felt being control.

I'll even told the girls what happened to me, but none of us what it really is. We went back to our desks, so class can get started. Mr. Aizawa opens the door before he speaks out, "Morning." Mr. Aizawa said to everyone. All of us responded back to him, "Good morning, Mr. Aizawa!" All of us said to Mr. Aizawa. Tsu was the first to speak up, "Ribbit? Mr. Aizawa, you don't have bandages anymore. That's good news." Tsu said to Mr. Aizawa. Mr. Aizawa just told everyone, "The old lady went a little overboard in her treatment. Anyway. We have a big class today on Hero Informatics." Mr. Aizawa said to everyone. I kept my guard up because I knew it was probably something else, "You need codenames. Time to pick your hero identities." Mr. Aizawa said to all of us.

Everyone got so excited, but I didn't join in because knowing Mr. Aizawa would get mad at everyone. Speaking of the devil, Mr. Aizawa used his Quirk and everyone was quiet down, "This is related to the pro hero draft picks that I mentioned the last time we were in class together. Normally, students don't have to worry about the draft yet. Not until their second or third year actually, but your class is different. In fact, by extending offers to first-years like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. Any offers can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down before graduation, though." Mr. Aizawa said to all of us. I heard a bang for a second before I heard that little prick's voice, "Stupid, selfish adults." Mineta said to himself.

Hagakure start talking, "So, what you're saying is, we'll still have to prove ourselves after we've gotten recruited." Hagakure said to Mr. Aizawa. Mr. Aizawa nods his head at Hagakure before he tells everyone, "Correct. Now. Here are the totals for those of you who got offers." Mr. Aizawa said to all of us. Mr. Aizawa click something and we see our names on there, I saw my name on there. Turns out me and Shoto got ahead of Bakugo. I just smiled at this before Bakugo starts screaming again. Momo sighs at this before she turns to look at me before giving me a small smile on her, "That's amazing. You must be proud." Momo said to me. I just smiled at her before telling her, "Well, kinda of. I still want to know, who control my body because that wasn't me." I said to Momo.

Momo just grabs my hand before she tells me, "I know that you can control it, someday." Momo said to me. I just smiled at her before Momo lets my hand go before, I look at Shoto, "How about you, Shoto? You must be proud of yourself?" I ask Shoto. Shoto has like emotionless face again, "These offers are probably because of my father." Shoto said to me. Me and Momo glance at each other before we hear everyone making a big deal about it, "Despite these results, you'll all be interning with pros. Got it? Even those of you who didn't get any offers." Mr. Aizawa said to everyone. Midoriya asks Mr. Aizawa, "Oh, so, we're all interning?" Midoriya asks Mr. Aizawa. Mr. Aizawa a simply 'yes' before he tells all of us, "You already got to experience combat with real villains during the attack on the USJ facility. But it'll still be helpful to see pros at work. Up close and personal, in the field. Firsthand." Mr. Aizawa said to everyone.

Mr. Aizawa was speaking again, "These hero names will likely be temporary, but take them seriously or..." Mr. Aizawa didn't finished his sentence because the sliding door opens, "...You'll have hell to pay later!" Ms. Midnight yells out to everyone. Ms. Midnight walk in our class before she starts talking, "What you pick today could be your codename for your life. You better be careful, or you'll be stuck with something utterly indecent." Ms. Midnight said to everyone. Mr. Aizawa agree with her and that she is going to judge about our hero names.

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