Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was walking in the hallway by myself because I need some time to think about stuff, I pulled out my phone to see some missed calls from Tifa, "I fail to get my licenses. I made a promise to me and Tifa, now I failed her. Even though I can take the 3 months training to get my hero licenses, but I need to cut ties from Tifa." I said to myself out loud.  I wasn't paying attention because I didn't even hear the footsteps walking towards to me from ahead of me, "So, you're making the same mistake I did before?" The voice asks me.  I got startle from this before looking forward to see dad there crossing his arms at me, "What do you mean, dad?" I ask dad.  Dad sighs at this before he tells me, "I made that same mistake to. Cutting ties from Tifa and my hometown just because I didn't pass to become a 1st Class SOLIDER. I regret it every single day." Dad said to me.

I looked at dad before we start walking in the hallway, "When I went back to my hometown. I didn't want anyone to see me coming home as a failure. Not even Tifa. There were two people who know that I fail. The first one was your mother, she still loves me, even though I fail of becoming a 1st Class SOLIDER, she didn't care because she still loves me. The second person who knew was Zack my first friend." Dad said to me.  I looked at dad before he starts talking to me, "(Y/n), please don't make the same mistake as I did in the past." Dad said to me.  I glanced at dad before looking at my phone to see the missing calls from Tifa before looking back at dad, "Alright." I said to dad.  Dad ruffles my (h/c) hair a bit before he tells me, "Better hurry up to class, I don't want you getting into trouble." Dad said to me.  I nod my head at him before I gave dad a hug before kissing dad's cheek, "Thanks, dad. I won't forget this." I said to dad.

I let dad go before I start heading towards to class.  Once I got there; I see my classmates there before Iida tells us that we have to get in order in line.  As were walking in a line, we hear a familiar voice start talking to all of us, "I heard a little rumor about Class 1-A. Three people! You had three people fail the licensing exam, you losers!" Monoma yells out to all of us.  Kirishima starts talking to Monoma, "Bet you were the only one in your class to fail. Just like in the final, huh?" Kirishima asks Monoma with a little smirk on his face.  Monoma starts to laugh at this before he turns around, "That wasn't an answer!" Kirishima yells out to Monoma.  Monoma just chuckles at this before he tells all of us, "Actually... Every one of us passed. We've pulled ahead of you big shots." Monoma said to all of us.

Shoto speaks up, "I'm sorry. It's my fault." Shoto mutters out to everyone.  I grab his hand to give it a little squeeze back, "They're the ones who're turning it into a competition. It's no big deal." Kirishima said to Shoto.  Monoma was laughing over something dumb.  I was about to give Monoma a taste of my fists again, but again the same girl with orange hair hits Monoma's neck to make him stop laughing at all of us.  All of us heard a voice talking, "Hey. We're tryin' to get through back here." Shinso says to everyone.  Iida starts to panic a bit, "Our apologies. Come on, everyone. Save your chit chat for later. We're clogging up the hallways." Iida said to everyone.  Shinso starts talking again, "I honestly can't believe how uncool you are." Shinso said to all of us.

All of us were outside to see Mr. Nezu was going to give a speech to everyone.  I noticed dad was almost closed to next to Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic.  Mr. Nezu starts talking, "Hi there! It's the adorable small mammal you all know and love, the principal. You may notice the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality. I haven't been taking care of it. This is something that can happen to humans, too. Even if you eat a balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals, you won't have a mane of luscious locks unless you're getting lots of sleep. That's the secret! Disturbances in your normal resting patterns are terrible for your hair. So, if you want to improve your fur's..." Mr. Nezu kept going on this speech.  After Mr. Nezu was finish, we had to hear from Hound Dog giving his speech, but the whole time he was growling, snarling, and when he was done, he howls in the end.  Me and Shoto glanced at each other before shrugging our shoulders.  Vlad King tells everyone that two students were fighting, but that was all about it before all of us went back to class.

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