Chapter 30

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(Y/n)'s POV

After what happened on the island.  It was like really hard to believe that happened, but it really brought me closer to Shoto than before.  If one of us is feeling like they can't do anything at all, then the other person will have to bring that person back up to make sure to never give up on each other.  U.A. let us have time to relax a bit before we could go to the agency.  Dad was still unsure if I should go to Endeavor's agency, not because he cares about my safety but because he still hasn't forgiven Endeavor for what he has done to me with what happened to the UA Sports Festival with the hard slap that Endeavor did to me.  Then Endeavor getting upset with Tifa over something that I don't even know what happened.  Shoto was still having a hard time trusting his father, but with me.  I was still unsure of trusting Endeavor again.

I was lost in my thoughts because I was looking at the window of the bus, but at least I wasn't feeling motion sickness.  Me and Shoto were sitting next to each other on the bus, while Bakugo and Midoriya were sitting away from each other because Bakugo doesn't really want to be next to Midoriya.  Once the bus stop, we got off the bus.  Midoriya was wearing a scarf that has the colors of All Might's color costume.  I was just wearing my favorite (f/c) scarf on my neck because it was getting cold already.  Even though we have to wear our UA uniforms but wearing my skirt and long socks.  I was still cold, 'I still don't understand how my mom can live in the cold land.' I said to myself in my head.

The four of us wearing carrying our suitcases with our hero costumes in it.  Once the four of us got off the bus, we turned around to see Endeavor there, "Welcome to the Endeavor Agency." Endeavor said to us with a smile look on his face.  But that soon changed, when Endeavor saw the three of us.  That would be me, Midoriya, and Bakugo.  Endeavor's face looks mad or annoyed to see us, I can't believe I have to train you." Endeavor said to us.  I was still giving Endeavor a look that I didn't care at all.  Endeavor just told us, "I gave my permission reluctantly as a favor to Shoto, but I wish he'd come on his own." Endeavor said to us.

I'll glared at Endeavor because somehow, I knew that he still won't accept me because I'm still with Shoto.  Even though Endeavor tried to apologize to me, Shoto, and Dad.  But we were still unsure about Endeavor, "It's already done, so don't complain." Shoto said to his father.  Endeavor clearly didn't like that answer, "Wha-- Shoto!" Endeavor yelps out to Shoto.  Bakugo looks at Endeavor before he tells him, "I've been thinking since supplementary lessons." Bakugo said to Endeavor.  Bakugo looks at Endeavor before he tells Endeavor, "You're a jerk." Bakugo says to Endeavor.  I just snicker at this, but Endeavor didn't like that answer from Bakugo, "Son, are you really friends with this delinquent?" Endeavor asks Shoto.

Bakugo just tells Endeavor, "But, if I can see how the top hero works, I don't really care." Bakugo said to Endeavor.  Endeavor got mad at this before he starts to scold at Shoto, "I told you to choose your allies wisely!" Endeavor scolds out loud towards to Shoto.  Me and Shoto were holding our hands together, "We appreciate you allowing us to do our work studies with you, sir." Midoriya said to Endeavor with a serious tone in his voice.  It kinda reminds me of how the way a Soldier would respond back.  Endeavor glances at Midoriya.  I just kept my glare on Endeavor.  Endeavor just tells us to follow him.  So, the four of us follow after Endeavor.

Midoriya just tells Endeavor, "We'll do our best to learn from you, sir! It's an honor to work with the number-one hero!" Midoriya says to Endeavor.  Endeavor must've look at Midoriya before Endeavor looks away from Midoriya before Endeavor tells Midoriya, "Shoto is not me. You said that." Endeavor said to Midoriya.  Endeavor stops walking before he jumps over the railings before he tells us, "Sorry about this. But I only intend to look after my son." Endeavor said to us.  Endeavor runs off, but we noticed Endeavor used his Quirk before he kinda flies a bit before Endeavor yells out to the four of us, "If you wanna learn, then stand back and watch!" Endeavor yells out to us.

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