Chapter 34: World Heroes' Mission Part 2

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(Y/n)'s POV

The four of us were walking around the city with bags in our hands, "It's so lively here." Midoriya says to himself. Midoriya wasn't lying though, the city looks so big, "That's because it's the biggest city in Otheon." Shoto said to Midoriya. I was looking around because the area we were in is very big, "I don't care if we're standing by or what, but why do I have to run errands?!" Bakugo yells out to poor Midoriya. Shoto just tells Bakugo, "We're the lowest ranking on our team." Shoto says to Bakugo. Bakugo does a quick turn on his head to look at Shoto, "Huh?!" Bakugo yells out to Shoto.

Shoto tells us, "The only reason we're on the World Heroes' Team is because we're doing our work studies at Endeavor Agency. We're like freebies that were just thrown in." Shoto says to us. Midoriya mutters out to the three of us, "But since we're on the team, we need to protect everyone from terrorism with everything we've got." Midoriya mutters out to us. I just sigh at this before Shoto mutters out to Midoriya, "The ideological organization, Humarise..." Shoto says to Midoriya. Bakugo mutters out as well, "The damn organization that's obsessed with a damn delusion... What the hell's with the Quirk Doomsday Theory?" Bakugo asks us.

I just shrug my shoulders at this before telling the boys, "So far of hearing the Doomsday and Quirk. I just have a bad feeling that maybe a villain has something to do with Quirks or someone doesn't like Quirks at all." I mutter out to the boys. Midoriya was in shock of this before he mutters out to me, "How can anyone not like their Quirks?" Midoriya asks me. I was quiet for a bit before telling Midoriya, "It depends on the person. If someone who is Quirkless just like me, they start to get upset at themselves because they didn't get a Quirk at the age of 4 years old. But sometimes they would end up hating everyone who has a Quirk because they were bullied if they didn't have a Quirk at all while their friends or one of their family members gets a Quirk, but not them." I said to Midoriya.

Midoriya was in shock of this before he asks me, "Is that what you felt, when you were told that you didn't get a Quirk?" Midoriya asks me. I looked at Midoriya before shaking my head a no to Midoriya before telling him and the other two, "No. Honestly, I didn't want a Quirk growing up because I actually look up to Tifa a lot, so I thought I wouldn't get a Quirk growing up. The results came back and I would not get a Quirk at all." I said to the others. Before I could say anything anymore, we heard some kind of explosive. The four of us were looking at the smoke. We knew that we had to do something, so Shoto uses his ice before he reaches his hand towards to me.

I grab his hand before Shoto uses his ice to speed across to catch the villains. We heard someone yelled out jewelry thefts. So, the four of us have to catch the villains. There were only two villains. The two villains split up, while Bakugo goes for the one with the pink puff hair, "You bastards go the right!" Bakugo yells out to us. Me, Shoto, and Midoriya chase the other villain down as well. The villain was pushing a lot of people high up in the air. Midoriya starts to use his Blackwhip to recuse the civilians, "Todoroki, (L/n), get the thief!" Midoriya yells out to us. I wrapped one arm around Shoto's waist, while Shoto had one arm around my waist as well, "Leave it to us!" Me and Shoto yell out to Midoriya.

The villain kept running away from us, but the villain was flying towards the alleyway. Me and Shoto remove our arms off each other, before I start to throw my sword towards the villain, so it could land in front of the villain, so the villain could be stuck. My sword was able to make the villain stop before Shoto uses his fire Quirk on the villain to make him stop as well, but the villain yells out to Shoto, "That doesn't work on me!" The villain yells out to Shoto. Since the villain wasn't paying attention anymore because since my sword was blocking his way and Shoto's ice wall was able to make the villain stop.

Me and Shoto walk towards the villain, "That took longer than expected..." Shoto says to me. I just nod my head at him before I pick up my sword before putting it back behind my back. Me and Shoto were looking for the briefcase that the villain just stole, "Todoroki! (L/n)!" Midoriya calls out our last names. Me and Shoto turned around quickly, before I yelled at Midoriya, "Midoriya, he doesn't have the case!" I yelled out to Midoriya. Midoriya stops running before he looks around until his eyes went wide a bit before he looks at the other alleyway, "They're working with someone!" Midoriya yells out to us before he takes off running towards the other person who is helping out the villains.

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