Chapter 27: Heroes Rising part 1

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Few Days Later

(Y/n)'s POV

Class 1-A had to do things on a different island of where there are no pro-heroes over there.  It's just Class 1-A helping out the people on the island.  Of course, I told dad about it.  He told me to make sure that I call him or make sure that I text him to make sure that I'm safe on the island with my classmates.  Of course, I told dad I was going to be okay and nothing would ever happen on the island.  Dad just gives me a small smile on his face before he places his hand on top of my head before he tells me, "Whatever happens. You stay strong." Dad said to me.  I just give a dad a small smile on my face before telling dad, "I will dad." I said to dad.

I heard the boat start to blow it's finally horn to make sure that everyone hurries up on the boat.  I look at dad before giving dad a hug before I take off running towards the boat that was moving.  I noticed Shoto there before he sticks out his hand towards to me.  Momo was there as well before she sticks out her hand as well.  I was running before I jumped up and I was able to grab Shoto's hand.  Shoto and Momo both pull me up before all of us wave back at our teachers and principle.  I just wave back to dad before I start to get motion sickness again, "Ugh, not again." I muttered out to myself.

Momo used her Quirk to make a bucket for me to puke in it.  I grab the bucket before I puke inside of the bucket.  Shoto rubs my back before I move the bucket away from my face before I start to do squats, so it can help me a bit.  Once I was done doing my squats, I was walking towards the bucket with my puke before I throw it in the trash, but not forgetting to wash the bucket.  Once that was done, I just felt a little better I start walking around on the boat, "Well, I hope this isn't a long boat ride because I can't get seasick or motion sickness again." I said to myself.  Tsu was walking towards to me before she was talking to me, "Are you feeling better (Y/n)? Ribbit?" Tsu asks me.  I looked at Tsu before telling her, "Yeah, I'm alright. Just not use to being on a boat, a train, and an airplane." I said to Tsu.  Tsu rubs my back for me before I give her a small smile on my face.

Tsu stops rubbing my back before we start walking around on the boat a bit before the others were talking about what's going to happened on the island and how this is going to teach us on how to do pro heroes work when everyone gets older.  I just smile at this before I noticed Momo walking towards to us, "(Y/n), I'm really glad that you are feeling better." Momo said to me.  I just smiled at Momo before telling her, "Thanks, Momo. I'm also really glad that dad told me some helpful tips on how to not get much motion sickness or probably seasickness." I said to Momo.  Momo just chuckles at me before we were chatting about something else before Momo's eyes were in shock for a second, "By the way (Y/n). Todoroki was looking for you." Momo said to me.

I looked at Momo before I asks her, "Where is Shoto waiting for me?" I ask Momo.  Momo tells me, "He's waiting for you outside of the boat where some of the others are at." Momo says to me.  I just nod my head at Momo before thanking her.  I was walking outside on the deck to look for Shoto.  Shoto was there on the railings staring at something.  I was walking towards to Shoto before I was right next to him, "Momo said you were looking for me. Is everything alright?" I ask Shoto.  Shoto looks at me before he tells me, "I just wanted to get away from our classmates." Shoto said to me.  I just give Shoto a small smile on my face before telling him, "Same here as well. I know that I was talking to some of our classmates, but at the same time. I wanted some time to relax my thoughts a bit." I said to Shoto.

Shoto glances at me before he ask me, "What were you thinking?" Shoto ask me.  I glanced at Shoto before telling him, "About Sephiroth. I know that he is still out there, but I can't keep my mind or thoughts of seeing Sephiroth again. It's unhealthy for me to keep thinking about him." I said to Shoto.  Shoto wraps his arm around my waist before he tells me, "You're right, you can't keep thinking about Sephiroth. Someday we will run into him, but we will be ready to stop him." Shoto said to me.  I just lean my head on Shoto's shoulder before telling Shoto, "I'm really glad that I met you." I mutter out to Shoto.  Shoto pulls my body closer to him before we stared out at the ocean.

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