Chapter 36: World Heroes' Mission Part 4

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(Y/n)'s POV

All of us were able to make it towards a hotel that has computer.  Once we got inside of the hotel, we saw the computers before we took off towards the computers before using one of the flash drives, so we can see what is on there, "So many folders... Where do we start...?" Midoriya asks himself.  Bakugo moves Midoriya out of the way.  The three of us got out of the way because Bakugo pushes Midoriya away from him, "Agh, move it!" Bakugo says to Midoriya.  Bakugo just tells asks himself, "Where's the recent timestamp...?" Bakugo asks himself.  All of us were quiet before Bakugo was able to find it before he tells us, "It's this video file." Bakugo says to all of us.

The four of us got closer to the computer screen to hear the video file, "Hello, my name is Alan Kay. Along with several scientists. I was kidnapped by Humarise." The video file of Alan's voice said.  Midoriya just questions this out, "Kidnapped?" Midoriya asks himself.  All of us were quiet before Alan's voice came back, "In order to enact their plans. Humarise took our families hostage and force us to manufacture Quirk Factor Triggering Bombs against our wills." Alan's voice said out loud.

I grab Shoto's hand before me and Shoto squeeze our hands together, "The first terrorist attack using this device was nearly employed to gather the top heroes and places where Humarise branches are located." Alan's voice said to us.  Me, Shoto, Midoriya, and Bakugo gasps at this in shocked before Alan's voice came back again, "The group is planning to use these horrible bombs to eradicate those pros. In an instant, the hero population would be destiny." Alan's voice said to us.  The four of us gasps at this again before I start to grunt at this from angry in my tone.  Alan's voice was back to talking again, "After losing its top heroes, society would collapse. Using the chaos surrounding.  Humarise would wipe out anyone with powers and build a better world where only the Quirkless are allowed." Alan's voice said on the computer.

I just covered my mouth with my other hand because I was in shock of this, "That is the true goal of Flect Turn. The leader of Humarise. A madman." Alan's voice said on the computer.  Alan's voice was quiet again before Alan's voice comes back again, "I hope my voice will reach the heroes in time.  Eddie Soul, another scientists in here lost his life helping me. He made the key that I've include that will disarm the bombs at their base. Please! Save the world..." Alan's voice said on the computer.  Midoriya grabs the small key in his hand.  I felt my face was wet a bit before I've removed my hand away from my mouth before cleaning my face to feel water on my hand.

I was crying a bit before I wipe my tears away from hearing Alan's voice that he had to go through.  We heard a woman's screaming, the four of us turned around quickly to see people running away.  That's when we saw the tv news was on to hear the reporter was talking about Humarise and that the bomb threat that will go off in 1 hour and fifty-two minutes.  The five of us were looking at the tv screen before the news reporter show the map of the whole country.  Rody got almost closed to the tv before he gasps at this, "No, it can't be!" Rody yells out.  We look at the screen again to see a big circle around that area.

Rody tells all of us that his hometown is in there.  Rody looks mad at this before Shoto let's my hand go before he starts running towards the computer, "We should send this to HQ and have them order the hero teams to retreat before--" Shoto didn't finish his sentence before Bakugo speaks over to Shoto, "We can't do that." Bakugo says to Shoto.  Shoto turns around quickly to look at all of us, "Even if we do that. The heroes would be busy of dealing with everything else and finding the bombs as well." I said to Shoto.  Midoriya nods his head to agree with me before he tells Shoto, "(L/n)'s is right. There looking for the bombs, but also saving other people as well." Midoriya says to all of us.

All of us were quiet before Shoto looks at all of us again before he tells all of us, "Then, we use that disarming key. It's up to us to stop those bombs." Shoto says to us.  The four of us look at Shoto before Midoriya speaks out, "But how do we do that...?" Midoriya asks himself.  Bakugo starts running towards the computer again, "On it!" Bakugo yells out to us.  Bakugo pushes Shoto out of the way before Bakugo tells us, "The answer has to be in here somewhere. You're an idiot if you make a key without telling people where the lock is!" Bakugo says out loud.  The four of us were looking at the computer screen to see Bakugo was able to do something on the computer.

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