Chapter 9

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Shoto's POV

I looked at everyone else to see them looking around, but I noticed (Y/n) was still sleeping in the hospital bed, "Did you sleep, Midoriya?" I ask Midoriya.  Midoriya shakes his head before he tells me, "No, not really." Midoriya said to me.  I told Midoriya, "I figured. Me neither." I said to Midoriya.  All of us were sitting down on the hospital bed, but Midoriya starts talking, "Thinking about that fight now, we did something pretty amazing." Midoriya said to all of us.  I looked at Midoriya before telling him, "Yeah, I agree." I said to Midoriya.  Midoriya looks up before he tells all of us, "After everything that happened back there, it kinda feels like a miracle we're even alive." Midoriya said to all of us.

Midoriya looks down at his leg, "With my leg messed up, I was an easy target. He probably could've killed me if he really wanted to." Midoriya said to all of us.  I looked at my bandage arm before telling Midoriya, "Yeah. Seems to me he let us both live on purpose. I'm impressed by you though, Iida. He was actually trying to murder you, but you stood tall." I said to Midoriya and Iida.  Iida looks at me before he tells me, "That's not true." Iida said to us.  Iida looks away from us, "I was--" Iida didn't finished his sentence because we heard someone groaning a bit.  All of us turned towards to the hospital bed, we see (Y/n) was waking up before she touches her head, "Is everyone alright?" (Y/n) asks all of us.  All of us nod our heads at her before I noticed (Y/n) was touching her neck before her eyes were wide.

(Y/n) starts to check around the bed before Midoriya asks (Y/n), "What's wrong, (L/n)?" Midoriya.  (Y/n) looks at Midoriya before she tells him, "My locket. My father gave it to me, when I was a baby. It was the only thing that I have left from him." (Y/n) said to Midoriya.  (Y/n) was moving too much that she started to hurt herself from moving too much.  I got up from the bed before I touch (Y/n)'s shoulder to stop her from moving too much.  (Y/n) starts to calm down before we could talk to each other, we hear a sliding door open. 

(Y/n)'s POV

All of us look up to see Gran Torino, Tifa, and Manual there looking at us.  Gran Torino starts talking to all of us, "Oh, so the injured youngins are awake." Gran Torino said to all of us.  Midoriya was smiling at this, "Gran Torino!" Midoriya yells out.  I looked at mom before I yelled out, "Mom!" I yelled out to my mom.  Tifa starts walking towards me before she gives me and Shoto a smile on her face.  Gran Torino told Midoriya is an idiot.  Mom looks at me before she pulls out something out of her pocket, "Here." Mom said to me.  Tifa opens her hand and it was my locket, "Thanks mom." I said mom.  Mom just nods her head at me before Gran Torino that we have a visitor.

We noticed someone walking in the room.  We saw a person with a dog's head was there looking at all of us, "This is Hosu's chief of police. Kenji Tsuragamae." Gran Torino said to all of us.  All of us start getting up.  Midoriya was about to get up, but Tsuragamae tells Midoriya, "No, please, stay seated, woof." Tsuragamae said to Midoriya.  Tsuragamae looks at all of us before he tells us, "So, you're the U.A. students who brought down the Hero Killer, huh?" Tsuragamae asks all of us.  I nod my head at him while Shoto tells him, "We are." Shoto said to Tsuragamae.  Me and Shoto's hands lock on to each other before Tsuragamae told us, "Stain has some serious injuries. Severe burns, a few slashes, and several broken bones. Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof." Tsuragamae said to all of us.

I felt Tifa's hand on my shoulder, "Here's a lesson you should have already learned. When Quirks became the norm, the police force sought to maintain the status quo. They decided we wouldn't Quirks as weapons. That's when heroes came in. They could do what we couldn't, if they were licensed, of course, woof. It would be impossible for the police to condone the use of deadly Quirks. After all, we're here to stop such harm from being done. The only reason pros can use their powers now is because of the strict code of ethics that the early heroes chose to abide by. That's why it's against the law for uncertified people to use their Quirks to cause injury. Whether you were up against the Hero Killer or not, none of you had the authority to harm the villain. That means the three of you, and your supervisors-- Endeavor, Manual, and Gran Torino-- should receive harsh punishments for this gross abuse of your powers." Tsuragamae said to all of us.

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