Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s POV

Mom told me everything of how my real parents met each other and they started a long journey together. Even though my mom's name is Tifa, I still call her mom, but I will sometimes call her Tifa. Tifa was there with them, but even though dad didn't have his real memories and thought he was 1st Class as a SOLDIER but turns out he was using someone that he knows. While my mother work with Tifa in a group called AVALANCHE, but my mother met my father before AVALANCHE. My mother's hometown was far away around the snow, but she was able to meet my father, when the helicopter crashed down, so my mother who is a nice person decided to check it.

That's when she meet my father, but he was wearing a shinra helmet. Even though a civilian is not supposed to be involved in stuff, but my mother never listens, so she took off, but once she got closed to the people, she was able to find a nice man name Zack Fair. My mom thought she was going to get in trouble for going near them, but shinra let her off. So, my mom and father were able to talk a bit before they start sending letters towards each other before my mother decided to move to Midgar Sector 7. After that she hasn't heard from my father in 5 or 7 years, but one day she was to reunite with him, but he wasn't the same at all.

Tifa and my mom never gave up on trying to help my father. Till things happened and my father was able to remember from his past a bit. My father made up with my mother and they started to date a bit, but afterwards they got married together.

Author's note: I am not going to spoil the whole game or the rest of the movie from Final Fantasy 7, you guys have to play it and watch the movie.

Mom was pregnant with me, so she decides to stay at Tifa's bar and help the best that she could do. Then once I was born that's when hell broke lose and my adoptive mother took me in as her daughter. I looked at Tifa before I clean a tear off of my face before giving my mom a hug, "Thank you, Tifa." I said to Tifa. Tifa just smiles at me before we broke away from each other. I give my mom back her picture book before I start to get ready for bed because I still had to go to school tomorrow. Once I got in my bed, I fell asleep in my bed.

The next day, I got ready for school before I decided to ride my motorcycle to school. I made sure to grab everything that I needed today. Once I got to school, I took off my helmet before putting it in my gym bag before I head to class. Once I was in my classroom, I hear Hagakure speak out, "You guys! Did you watch the news last night?" Hagakure asks everyone. Everyone nod their heads at her before she speaks out, "It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time! Though I bet nobody noticed me hanging out in the background." Hagakure said to everyone. Shoji tells Hagakure, "Probably not." Shoji says to Hagakure.

Ojiro tells Hagakure, "It is difficult to stand out when you're just gloves." Ojiro said to Hagakure. Everyone was talking a bit till Sero said something, "Who knows what woulda happened to us if the teachers hadn't shown up." Sero said to all of us. The next thing was Mineta was screaming, "Why'd you say that?" Mineta asks out loud. Mineta starts screaming again, while Momo was sitting across from me. I was sitting next to Todoroki. Todoroki was quiet as always, "I'm gonna pee myself just thinking about it." Mineta said to everyone in a panic tone in his voice. I got so tired of this before I could say anything to him. Bakugo just yells out to Mineta, "Oh, shut up! Grow a pair, loser!" Bakugo yells out to Mineta.

I sigh in relief because at least that made Mineta to shut up. Even though I was supposed to leave my 'mom's picture book at home. I just had to bring it in here, so I could look at it more. Momo turns around to look at the pictures with me as well. I smiled at this because at least my adopt mom is not keeping anymore secrets anymore and everyone in UA accepts me because I am Quirkless. I felt someone's eyes were looking at me, but I wasn't going to turn around, so I pointed at some pictures to show Momo about it. I noticed Mina was next to me as well, so I pointed it out to them and telling them that they are my real parents. Next thing, we hear Iida running before he yells out to us, "Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats." Iida said to everyone.

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