Chapter 10: Two Heroes Movie part 1

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Author's note: I am going to skip the whole final exams; you pass your final exams by the way. Also, I am doing the first movie because some say it takes place after season 2, but I am not sure, so I am doing it.

(Y/n)'s POV

After exams was over, I was so happy that I passed my exams. Now summer was here, but my mom told me some exciting news. Turns out that I was going to I-Island, I was in shock of this, so my mom helped me pack up somethings, but my mom told me that there was going to be some kind of party over there, so I just make sure that I pack my things. Mom also gives me one of her dresses that she used to wear one time, while she was trying to win, so she could get answers from Sector 7. Once mom give me the ticket, she told me that she was going to drive me to airport.

Of course, me being easily motion sicknesses. I don't know how I could handle it on the airplane, but mom told me that I will be alright. Once I got the airport, I looked at mom before giving her big hug, "I'm going to miss you mom." I said to my mom. Tifa wraps her arms around me before she tells me, "Me too. (Y/n). I'm going to miss you but be safe over there." Tifa said to me. I nod my head at her before I start heading to the airport before I give the lady my ticket and once everything is fine. I start walking towards the plane. I got on my plane before I wait till, I get there.

Little time skip still (Y/n)'s POV

Once, I look at the window to see the I-Island, I was happy and excited, but I was getting motion sickness again because I was not used to being on a plane. Once the plane stop flying and landed at the other airport, I was happy and excited before I ran to the girl's restroom, so I could puke out from my motion sickness. Once I was feeling better, I left the restroom. I left the airport before I start heading towards the hotel that I was supposed to stay at, so I got there and made sure that I start heading towards my room, "It feels weird going all by myself." I said to myself. I started to open my suitcase before I decided to put on my hero costume on. I looked at the mirror before I smiled at myself, "You got this (Y/n)." I said to myself with a small smile on my face.

I left the hotel before I was walking outside, "Wow... It's so big out here." I mutter out to myself. I was walking a bit before I noticed a café shop, so I decided to give it a try. I went there to get a drink of tea before I heard someone called out my name, "Hey! (Y/n)!" The voice yells out my name. I turned around to see Momo, Jiro, Uraraka, and Midoriya there. There was a girl with long blondie hair, blue eyes, and she was wearing glasses. I was in shock to see them, "Hey guys." I said to them. The girl with blondie hair looks at Midoriya before she asks him, "Is she one of your friends?" The girl asks Midoriya. Midoriya smiles at her before he tells her, "Yeah, this is (L/n) here." Midoriya said to the girl.

I stick out my hand out to her, "Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." I said to the girl. The girl shakes my hand before she smiles at me, "Nice to meet you (L/n). I'm Melissa." The girl whose name is Melissa said to me. We smiled at each other before I looked at everyone, "What are you guys doing here?" I ask everyone. Momo told us everything, I just nod my at her before Jiro asks me, "What are you doing here as well, (Y/n)?" Jiro asks me. I looked at Jiro before telling her, "Well, my mom said that she got tickets, but she let me go by myself because I should experience what's it like to be on my own for a bit." I said to everyone.

Momo just hugs at me before she tells me, "Well, it's so great to see you here." Momo said to me with a big smile on her face. Uraraka smiles at me, "Same here, (Y/n)." Uraraka said to me. I smiled at them before me and Momo pulled away from hugging each other before all of us got our drinks and start chatting a bit. Melissa starts talking to all of us of how we get to work with pro heroes. Momo sighs at this before she tells all of us, "Somehow, I ended up being in a TV commercial for hair product..." Momo said to all of us. I patted Momo's back before giving her reassure smile on my face. I looked at Melissa before telling her, "Not really for me, I just been trying to figure out some other things." I said to Melissa.

Honorable Warrior (Shoto Todoroki x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα