Cameron Stevens

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Cameron Stevens

I sat in the plaintiff's box as the JAG officer told the judges, jury and the whole courtroom that I had shot innocent bystanders without a care in the world as I went on a killing spray and a former army lieutenant, Jaxon Evans and another innocent citizen; Caleb Harper, as I went in search of Hope Kingsley and her daughter Carly Evans. Then I had to listen to the verdict the jury gave out.

"Do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?'' The judge asked the jury.

A dark-haired male in a tailored blue suit answered, "Guilty your honour."

"Mr Stevens, not only did you breach your injunction but you put people's lives at risk. You shoot at innocent bystanders but you were content to harm anyone who is in the way if you get to your end goal, Mrs Kingsley and her eight-month-old daughter, Hope Evans. You shot an ex-army lieutenant for merely protecting his family and an innocent citizen and family friend. I am sentencing you to a maximum of sixteen years in a military prison. You will undergo psychiatric evaluation for these actions. This will determine whether or not you should stay in a military prison or a psychiatric ward." He said, banging down the hammer. "Court dismissed."

I got pulled away and into a military van heading to my destination for the next sixteen years.


All I've done over these past sixteen years is relive that day; when the judge faced me. I knew then I had royally fucked up this time. I couldn't believe how stupid I'd been. I'd been served with the worst murder sentence. The judge sentenced me to sixteen years in military prison. This was the second time I had fucked up. The first was the previous year when I had hoped that they would see through my lies, but all had failed and they had found me guilty of bigamy and they served me with a year in confinement plus a dishonourable discharge, which entails the forfeiture of all retirement pay.' I was royally screwed. Not only did I lose my rank and my status in the army, but I also lost the two people who I had loved the most because of my stupidity.

It was the hardest and the worst year of my life having to spend it in confinement along with others who had tried to screw up the system. I was so angry the day they had sentenced me. I was not only served with the divorce from my second wife, Hope but my first wife too. I had never in my whole life seen a face of such disgust and hatred as the day I saw both Hope and Connie. She had filed for divorce the day of the hearing. She had spoken with Hope's lawyer, who had filled in all the missing gaps in their relationship. She'd been doing it behind her back. She was surprised. Both of them had to go through various questions from both my and Hope's lawyers. He was good, but even he couldn't get me out of the sticky situation I had gotten myself into.

After a year, I was finally released from confinement and found out that Hope had been pregnant when the court case was going through, which meant only one thing: the child was mine. I wanted to see my child, but I was denied access. I couldn't even get anywhere near Hope to talk to her to get her to reconsider, which made it ten times worse. After he had hooked up with that good-for-nothing stepbrother of hers, after everything that he had done to her, after we had helped her get stronger to fight him off, she had run into his arms. Caleb, I could understand they had history, but Joshua Kinsley, what a fucking joke. He'd not only bullied her, but he'd blackmailed her too into a relationship she never wanted. But here she was back in the arms of her bully, her blackmailer. What the actual fuck was she thinking? Was she thinking at all?

I had to see her and see my baby and make sure I got them both away from him, but it was impossible. I had been warned if I went against anything the judge had said, then I would be back where I came from. My anger grew day by day as I was unable to see Hope or my child. It soon grew into a rage and I had chosen to shoot to kill instead of taking my own life. I went on a rampage unable to control my feelings and pure hate towards those that were supposed to be my family and friends.

I didn't care, they all had to die for taking everything that they had taken away from me. The blood was spraying everywhere as the bullets dejected out of my rifle. Once I had killed many people, I made my way to Hope's new home ready for a showdown after taking out her brother Jaxon and Caleb, who, surprisingly, was still around. I called out for Hope to get her ass out of the house so that I could talk to her, but she chose not to answer. So I tried again, but still no answer. Was she ignoring me? I fired my rifle once again before being ambushed, but the army and the police shot me down. Luckily for me, I had a bulletproof vest on or I'd be dead right now and not here. They held me to the ground, read me my rights and cuffed me.

I later found out that Hope, Joshua and Carly weren't in the house. They had gone away for a few days and Jaxon and Caleb were watching the house. So I have a daughter. I smiled. I couldn't wait to see her.

Sixteen years later, I've been released from military prison and I'm now in search of my daughter. I had tried countless times for them to let me see her just once and it was denied as they saw me as being a danger to her. I'd never hurt my daughter. I was there for her. I was just angry that Hope had put every building block up against me from seeing my flesh and blood. "I'm coming for you Carly and I won't leave without you."

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